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History: PluginGauge

Source of version: 11 (current)

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            ! Plugin Gauge
This ((wiki plugin)) displays a horizontal bar gauge of a value compared to a maximum.

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="gauge"}
!! Example
''This code:''
{GAUGE(value="15000" max="16443" label="Satisfied users" perc="true" labelsize="250" height="20" color="green" bgcolor="#EEEEEE")}__User satisfaction survey results__{GAUGE}

''Would produce:''
{GAUGE(value="15000" max="16443" label="Satisfied users" perc="true" labelsize="250" height="20" color="green" bgcolor="#EEEEEE")}User satisfaction survey results{GAUGE}

{img src="display1733" link="display1733" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}