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History: PluginGoogleDoc

Source of version: 21

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            ! Plugin Google Doc
This ((wiki plugin)), introduced in ((Tiki3)), allows you to include a document from the [http://docs.google.com|Google Docs] service in a page.

{REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}''The user may need to log in to Google before seeing the document.''{REMARKSBOX}

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="googledoc"}
!! Google Key 
The most important parameter is the Google key. One way to find it is, on your documents list, click-right and go to "Get Link". You will see an URL to share your document. This URL contains the Google document key and you need to copy it to the plugin.

IE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/~~#F00:1fqq6Uq8fwhTV7mvt5iy_dkUE6MtLGJRCk37VKJQNzTI~~/edit?usp=sharing

Note that on the same modal dialog you will be able to see who has right to see the document.
!!!Basic syntax
{googledoc key="pXsHENf1bGGY92X1iEeJJI" type="sheet" name="docFrame1" width="400" height="500" align="middle" frameborder="0" marginheight="5" marginwidth="5" scrolling="yes" editLink="both"}
!!! Screenshot
^{img src="img/wiki_up/googledocs.gif" }^
(alias(PluginGoogleDocs)) | (alias(Plugin Google Docs)) | (alias(Plugin Google Doc)) | (alias(GoogleDocs)) | (alias(Google Docs)) | (alias(Google Doc)) | (alias(GoogleDoc)) 



Information Version
ibrahim mussa 24
ibrahim mussa Replace type "sheet" with "spreadsheet" and Google drive alias 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 22
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Tested on Tiki23 added information to ease users life. 21
Yves Kipondo 20
lindon 19
KoenMiltenburg made the previous change a header 18
KoenMiltenburg The code does not work! 17
Xavier de Pedro 16
Scot Wilcoxon description 14
MatWho 13
lindon 12
matwho 11
matwho 10
matwho 9
matwho 8
matwho 7
matwho 6
matwho 5
matwho 3
matwho 2
MatWho 1