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History: PluginGoogleDoc

Source of version: 20

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            ! Plugin Google Doc
This ((wiki plugin)), introduced in ((Tiki3)), allows you to include a document from the [http://docs.google.com|Google Docs] service in a page.

{REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}''The user may need to log in to Google before seeing the document.''{REMARKSBOX}

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="googledoc"}
!!!Basic syntax
{googledoc key="pXsHENf1bGGY92X1iEeJJI" type="sheet" name="docFrame1" width="400" height="500" align="middle" frameborder="0" marginheight="5" marginwidth="5" scrolling="yes" editLink="both"}
!!! Screenshot
^{img src="img/wiki_up/googledocs.gif" }^
(alias(PluginGoogleDocs)) | (alias(Plugin Google Docs)) | (alias(Plugin Google Doc)) | (alias(GoogleDocs)) | (alias(Google Docs)) | (alias(Google Doc)) | (alias(GoogleDoc)) 



Information Version
ibrahim mussa 24
ibrahim mussa Replace type "sheet" with "spreadsheet" and Google drive alias 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 22
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Tested on Tiki23 added information to ease users life. 21
Yves Kipondo 20
lindon 19
KoenMiltenburg made the previous change a header 18
KoenMiltenburg The code does not work! 17
Xavier de Pedro 16
Scot Wilcoxon description 14
MatWho 13
lindon 12
matwho 11
matwho 10
matwho 9
matwho 8
matwho 7
matwho 6
matwho 5
matwho 3
matwho 2
MatWho 1