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History: PluginList - Hacks and Fun

Source of version: 6

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            ! PluginList - Hacks and Fun
A collection of tips, hacks and fun things you can do with ((PluginList)) that don't really belong anywhere else.

!! Set the Browser Page Title
A client needed a wiki page title (set in the -+<head><title>+- tag) changed from the default page name, and (eventually) we did it like this:
  {pagination max="1"}
  {OUTPUT()}{display name="mytitle" pagetitle="y"}{OUTPUT}
  {FORMAT(name="mytitle")}This is the page title, not the wiki page title{FORMAT}

!! Make a carousel with wikipages
You need to create some wikipages and set a category to them. In the example it is the category id 22. LIST will load all pages which contain the category and the carousel will display them.
{filter type ="wiki page"}
{filter categories="22"}
{carousel interval="2000" wrap="true" pause="hover" id="mycarousel" }
{body field="page" mode="raw"}
{display format="wikiplugin" name="wikiplugin_include" page="object_id"}

!! Add links to view page with item details or update form in the Bootstrap modal
One needs to add class -+click-modal+- to the links (buttons) leading to service controller to be displayed in the modal. As there is no working Tracker view item action in the Tracker controller we need to create a wiki page first (in this case named "Item Details") to display the requested item details and use the the Wiki action_get_page controller (the Argument variables pref must be enabled for this example to work with -+{~np~{~/np~itemId}}+- arg variable):
{LIST()}{pagination max=1}{filter field="tracker_id" exact="1"}{filter field="object_id" exact="{~np~{~/np~itemId}}"}{OUTPUT()}
    {display default="" name="wikiplugin_img" format="wikiplugin" fileId="tracker_field_myPictures" default="fileId=4"}{OUTPUT}{ALTERNATE()} {ALTERNATE}

Then we just add those two buttons on our listing of items using PluginList:
  {filter field="tracker_id" exact="1"}{OUTPUT()}
... | <a class="btn btn-primary click-modal" href="tiki-wiki-get_page?page=Item%20Details&itemId={display name="object_id"}&modal=1">View Details</a>{GROUP(groups=Admins)} <a class="btn btn-dark click-modal" href="tiki-tracker-update_item?trackerId=1&itemId={display name="object_id"}&modal=1">Update Item</a>{GROUP}{OUTPUT}

...add your tips here!

~tc~ (alias(LIST - Hacks and Fun)) ~/tc~


Information Version
Geoff Brickell 7
luciash d' being 🧙 6
Bob carousell with wikipages 5
luciash d' being 🧙 4
luciash d' being 🧙 Page renamed from LIST - Hacks and Fun to PluginList - Hacks and Fun. Semantic alias redirect created 3
luciash d' being 🧙 typo 2
Jonny Bradley 1