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History: PluginMemberPayment

Source of version: 28 (current)

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            ! Plugin Member Payment
''New in ((Tiki5))''

Use this ((wiki plugin)) for users to make payments to extend the length of their membership to a group.

!! Requirements
*The ((group)) must have a membership expiry > 0 days
*((Payment)) feature must be enabled and configured
!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="memberpayment"}
!! Example
''This code:''
{memberpayment group="association" price="50"}

''Would produce:''
{img type="attId" attId="46" responsive="n"}
{REMARKSBOX(type=tip title=Tip)}''The 365 days in the above example is set by the admin for the group as the number of days after which a user is automatically unassigned.''{REMARKSBOX}

''Clicking on the continue button:''
Takes the user to a screen where the payment can be made. Here's an example with Paypal used as the payment method (set in the ((Payment)) admin panel):
{img attId="47" stylebox="border" thumb=mouseover}

''Manually completing payment information:''
An admin will be able to fill in the payment information in case of  a 'manual' payment. Here's an example of what the admin would see fro an unpaid payment:
{img attId="48" stylebox="border" thumb=mouseover}

!! Related pages
* ((Payment))
* ((Shopping Cart))
* ((PluginAdjustInventory))
* ((PluginExtendCartHold))
* ((PluginPayment))
* ((PluginShopperInfo))
* ((PluginGroupExpiry))
* ((PluginMemberlist))
* ((PluginGroup))

!! Aliases
* (alias(Membership))
* (alias(Members))