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History: Spellcheck User

Source of version: 9 (current)

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            ^ This feature is no longer supported or relevant because browsers now have spellchecking, and that's where it should be handled. ^

! Using the Tiki Spellchecker
If you have permission to edit a specific page or object, and if the __Spellchecking__ option for that feature ((Spellcheck Admin|is enabled)), then Tiki will display the __Spellcheck__ option when you edit a wiki page or text area:

{img src="img/wiki_up/spellcheck_option.png" desc="Spellcheck option when editing a wiki page." alt="Spellcheck option when editing a wiki page."}

To use the spellchecker, use this procedure:
#Select the __Spellcheck__ option.
#Click __Preview__. Tiki will show a preview of the page with your edits. Any misspelled words will appear ~~#FF0000:red~~. %%% {img src="img/wiki_up/spellcheck_word.png" alt="Misspelled words appear in red." width=350 height=150} %%% %%%
#Click a red word. Tiki will display a list of suggested corrections in a popup window. %%% {img src="img/wiki_up/spellcheck_suggestions.png" alt="Tiki displays a list of suggestions." width=350 height=200} %%% %%%
#Click the correct word in the popup menu. Tiki will replace the misspelled word with the selected correction.
__Note__:  Re-preview the page to view the correction.