SVN updates (for all versions of Tiki) will stop in January 2023. This coincides with when Tiki18 reaches end of life. However, even if you use another version (like Tiki 21x) from SVN, you will stop getting updates because the Git and SVN combined workflow will be retired. You should get your updates from Git. See also: Tiki Version control history.
Tiki 25.0 will be released in October 2022, the same month Tiki turns 20 years old!
Work will start on it in 2022-02, once the release process of Tiki24 is started. Since this is a post-LTS, it is expected to have major changes, such as an upgrade to
On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options