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History: User Wizard - Set up the User Details screen

Source of version: 8 (current)

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Starting in ((Tiki12)).2, the ((User Wizard)) feature can include a specific screen to request extra information to your users, as well as to provide custom information for further clarifications or notes specific to your site or that campaign to collect more information.

{img src="display1002" link="display1002" width="200" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} 

{maketoc levels="2,3"}

!! Step 1: Apply "User_Trackers" Profile
You must apply the profile "User & Registration Tracker" ("User_Trackers"). You can do so from the Profiles Admin Panel, or from the "Profiles Wizard" (in ((Tiki12)) ). 

{img src="display1007" link="display1007" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

Once the profile is applied, you will see the Instructions page with further instructions.

{img src="display1005" link="display1005" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

!! Step 2: Edit group Registered
You need to go to manage groups, and edit group "Registered" (tiki-admingroups.php?group=Registered&cookietab=2).

There you must indicate which tracker is the "__Users Information Tracker__", and which field carries the login field (tracker "Users" and field "1 - login" in the example at the screenshot). You can set just below the fields that are to be shown at registration time (fields 2:10:17:18 in the example at the screenshot). And just below that you are indicated that you can also set up a different combination of fields in the __User Wizard__, through the "__Login admin panel__" (tiki-admin.php?page=login).

{img src="display1006" link="display1006" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

!! Step 3 (optional): Choose in Login Admin Panel fields to be shown in the User Wizard 
In the "Login Admin Panel" you can optionally choose to "__Ask different fields in the User Wizard than the ones in Registration__", and then, indicate which fields from the User Tracker selected in the previous step. This is not compulsory, and if this preference is not selected, then the same fields shown at Registration time will be shown in the User Wizard. 

In this example shown in the screenshot, the preference is enabled, and fields 26:2:21:10:20 where chosen to be shown in the User Details screen from the User Wizard, a part from the fields shown in the Registration process:

{img src="display1004" link="display1004" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

If we go to see the fields from that User Tracker, we can see that field 26, for instance, is of type "static text" and is the one suitable to provide custom information for your users if you need to do so (latest news, why some extra information is requested, site policy updates, etc). The other fields are some selection of the long list of fields provided by default in that user tracker. 

{img src="display1003" link="display1003" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

And that's it. You can go to the User Wizard yourself to check that the new screen is shown with the fields you chose. 

{img src="display1002" link="display1002" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}