History: Using SSH
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^ This should not be here. It is not documentation about Tiki. http://tikiwiki.org/Where#Doc ^ !Using SSH A beginners guide By using a SSH client, you can connect to your Virtual Server from anywhere in the world, and log in to your server as if you were sitting right in front it. Unfortunately for you windows users out there you will have to learn some ((Unix Commands)) to do so though! !!Get an SSH Client There are quite a few SSH clients available, many of which are free. This documentation supports using PuTTY (freeware available at [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty.html|http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty.html]) Connecting To Your Virtual Server Once you have chosen a SSH client, connecting to your Virtual Server is extremely simple. Although SSH clients vary in their exact configuration, most of them will simply require you to specify a "remote host". Your remote host is your Virtual Server, so you would specify your domain name or your IP numbers. Once you are connected, you will be prompted for your login name and login password. After the login process is successful, you will have gained access to your Virtual Server and can now issue commands at the command prompt. If you are not familiar with UNIX, you can learn some simple UNIX commands and use them with confidence. For more information on SSH, be sure to check out our Online Users Guide. The manual will help you become very comfortable using SSH. Also see our F.A.Q.'s on Server Administration. Some commands to become familiar with: % apachectl configtest Tests the config files before restarting the Server % apachectl restart Restarts your Virtual Server (this should be done after making any changes) % vadduser Creates email and or ftp accounts. % vedituser Edits email and or ftp accounts % vlistuser Displays info on email and or ftp accounts % vpasswd Changes accounts password % vrmuser Removes email and or ftp accounts % vnewvirtmaps Updates email mapping according to your virtmaps file % vnewaliases Updates aliases according to your Aliases file % vnewcatchall Updates catchall file % vnewaccess Updates the access file % vmailhash Updates all mail files, (virtmaps, aliases, catchalls, access) % vnewspammers Updates list of addresses not allowed to send mail to your server according to your spammers file % vaddvhost Adds new virtual host (user) to your server. % vinstall Installs cgi and utilities on your server % vnukelog -a Nukes (clears) ALL your old or existing log files % vnukelog -v domain.com (v is for virtual host) This will delete any log files for the virtual host domain.com only, where domain.com is a virtually hosted domain on your Virtual Server. % vcleandb Cleans the pophash database %vdiskuse This will show you a listing of all of the directories on your server and show you the bytes being used in each directory. The last line of the output will show you the total disk usage in number of bytes More Unix commands listed in the Unix section.