History: Webservice Registration
Source of version: 8 (current)
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!Webservice Registration {DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics:: *((PluginWebservice|Webservice Plugin)) *((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes))^{DIV} ;__Overview__: With this feature you can pull data from any JSON or SOAP enabled service, for example from Yahoo: ;__To access__: Click the __Webservice Registration__ icon {icon name="admin_webservices" rotate="270" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on the icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or %%% Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=webservices__ ;__Note__: ''This feature is mainly useful for the ((PluginWebservice|Webservice Plugin))'' ~tc~ Preference documentation generated from https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/prefs/ ~/tc~ ~tc~ To update documentation see https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-get-commit-access ~/tc~ {PREFDOC(tab="webservices" img="6:499")/} !!Example Webservice returning JSON. #In the "url" field enter: +{CODE()}http://luciash.eu/paypal_balance_conversion_in_json.php?amount_in=%amount_in%¤cy_in=%currency_in%¤cy_out=%currency_out%{CODE} #In the "Type" dropdown leave "REST" selected. #In the "Parameters" textarea fill in the parameters as: +{CODE()}%amount_in% %currency_in% %currency_out% {CODE} #Click "Lookup" button. Now you can test the parameters. You should see 3 new fields appear where you can enter the values to test. Enter: #amount_in: 2 #currency_in: EUR #currency_out: USD The returned data under the "Response Information" will be something like this: {CODE()}Array ( [amount_out_formatted] => 2.49 [from_currency_code] => USD [exchange_rate_formatted] => 1.24567 ) {CODE} When tested you can save the Webservice under a name, e.g. paypalexchangerate (cannot contain anything else than letters) by clicking the "Register" button. Now you have registered Webservice called "paypalexchangerate" which you can use in ((PluginWebservice)).