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History: Wiki Attachments

Source of version: 12

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            ! Attachments

In Tiki, files can be attached to ((Wiki)) pages, ((Trackers)), ((Forums)) posts, and so on.

!! Wiki Attachements:

!!!Enable wiki attachments

# Wiki attachments must first be enabled at tiki-admin.php?page=wiki&cookietab=2&highlight=feature_wiki_attachments . 

There are two ways to store attached files in Tiki:
* Using the database (Old attached file storage system)
* Using file galleries (Wiki attachments will be stored in the file gallery. This is the preferred way to store attachments starting Tiki 26+)

# For user groups to be able to view and attach files, the permissions ''wiki_view_attachments'', and ''wiki_attach_files'' must be assigned to at least one of the ((Groups)) the user is a member of. 

These two permissions allow the viewing and uploading of attachments. By default, deleting an attached file is only possible for the one who uploaded the file or for site administrators. A global ability to delete attachments can be granted to a group if the permission ''tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments'' is assigned to the group.

~tc~ (alias(Attachments)) ~/tc~


Information Version
Alvin Bauma 22
Alvin Bauma 21
Alvin Bauma 20
Marc Laporte 19
Alvin Bauma 18
Alvin Bauma 17
Alvin Bauma 16
Alvin Bauma 15
Alvin Bauma 14
Alvin Bauma 13
Alvin Bauma 12
Alvin Bauma 11
Gary Cunningham-Lee Deactivated unnecessary autotoc. 10
Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated information and made minor text edits. 9
Marc Laporte Page renamed from Attachments to Wiki Attachments. Semantic alias redirect created 8
Marc Laporte 7
Thomas Lattner 5
Thomas Lattner 4
Marc Laporte 3
mlpvolt Did the attachments activation checkbox move? 2
mlpvolt 1