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History: Wiki-Syntax Images

Source of version: 108

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! Wiki-Syntax Images

This is a ((tutorial)), in which you'll learn how to __display images__ on __Wiki__ pages, and within __articles__, __forums__ and __blogs__.

!!Image formats
Tiki is compatible with the following image formats: __.BMP__, __.JPG__, __.GIF__, __.PNG__

!! Displaying an Image
Any image in one of the above formats can be displayed on a wiki page through the use of ((PluginImg)) (these instructions refer to wiki pages, but they also work for articles and blogs). When editing a page, click on the {img src=pics/icons/picture.png} icon in the toolbar to bring up a popup form to easily enter the parameters for PluginImg.

This plugin allows you to display images from your tiki site and other sites, to align them on the page, resize them, make them into hyperlinks or thumbnails, add styling like borders, padding, margins, show descriptions and titles, and add shadowbox and mouseover effects, among other things. Go to ((PluginImg)) for documentation that explains how to implement these features.

{REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}''Beginning with ((Tiki4)),  other image-related plugins (((PluginThumb)), ((PluginImage)), and PluginPicture) were consolidated into ((PluginImg)). With ((Tiki5)), these other plugins will no longer be available. Upgrade scripts for ((Tiki5)) will automatically convert uses of these plugins to ((PluginImg)).''

!! Responsive image
To display the image responsive, which means that the size of the image automatically shrinks and expands depending on the viewport of your display, e.g. the display width, from ((Tiki14)) you simply need to add the class "img-responsive" to the ((PluginImg)).

{CODE()}{img fileId=1 class=img-responsive}{CODE}

!!Uploading images to the tiki site
To display an image on a page, it must be uploaded to a web site, either the internal site (the same tiki site where you are wanting to display the image), or to an external site. Images that are already visible on a site have already been uploaded and all you need is the URL or ID (for internal images) to display them using one of the plugins above.

There are four ways to upload an image to a tiki site as follows. The paths used to identify the image in a plugin and the permissions a user will need or the feature that needs to be enabled are also noted:
{FANCYTABLE(head= __Upload Method__ ~|~ __Path__ ~|~ __Upload Permission/Feature Required__)}
((File Gallery for Images)) ~|~ tiki-download_file.php?fileId=''xx'' ~|~ tiki_p_upload_files
((Image Gallery)) ~|~ show_image.php?id=''xx'' ~|~ tiki_p_upload_images
"Upload picture" option available when editing a page ~|~ img/wiki_up/''filename'' ~|~ tiki_p_upload_picture%%%''(if admin is not using file galleries to store pictures)''
Attaching the image to a page ~|~ tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=''xx'' ~|~ feature_wiki_attachments needs to be enabled by admin at ''Admin Home -> Wiki -> Features''

An admin can change permissions by going to __tiki-admingroups.php__ and clicking on the Permissions icon for the relevant group and enabling the permission.

{REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}''Beginning with ((Tiki4)), you'll just need the ID number for file gallery images (fileId), image gallery images (id) and attachments (attId) to display those images using ((PluginImg)) - you don't need the entire path''

Here's more information about each of these methods:
!!! File Gallery
As the documentation at ((File Gallery for Images)) explains, you can upload images to a file gallery either by going directly to a file gallery and uploading it, or through the "Upload Picture" option on the edit panel of a wiki page if the admin has set tiki to use file galleries to store pictures.

Once the image has been uploaded to file galleries, you can either note the path or ID number to use in ((PluginImg)) or use the image chooser available in the edit toolbar (it's the {img src=pics/icons/pictures.png} icon) to choose an image from a file gallery to display.

!!! Moving img from wiki_up to file gallery
See ((Wiki Features)).

!!! Upload Picture to Image Gallery
Here's how to display an image on a page by uploading it to an image gallery and then linking to the image:
# Upload the image to an image gallery following the instructions at ((Image Gallery User))
# Within the gallery, view the details of the image just uploaded. Underneath the image will be instructions on how to link to it, like this:
{BOX(bg=>white,title=>Link Information in Detail View within Image Gallery,align=>center)}{img src="img/wiki_up/WikiSyntaxImages3.jpg" }{BOX}
Note the instructions in the red rectangle describing how to link within a tiki page. Beginning with ((Tiki4)) the ID number can be used by itself as follows:
{CODE()}{img id=52}{CODE}

!!! Upload Picture to a Directory
The "Upload Picture" option available when editing a page can be set by the admin to either upload images to file galleries (discussed above) or to a directory. To upload to a directory, the admin needs to __deselect__ the "Use File Galleries to store pictures" option in the Editing and Plugins configuration panel (at ''Admin Home -> Editing and Plugins -> General Setings tab -> Features section'').

If these settings are in place, the "Upload picture" option will show in the edit panel as follows:

{BOX(bg=>white, title=>Upload picture edit option,align=>center)}{img src="img/wiki_up/WikiSyntaxImages1.jpg" }{BOX}

Now follow these instructions to upload a picture:
#__Edit__: while editing the page, place the cursor at the point where you want the picture inserted.
#__Upload__: scroll down in the edit window to where it says "Upload Picture" (under the "Tools" tab in ((Tiki4)))
##click the ''browse'' button and locate the file on your computer. After you have selected the image and clicked ''open'' the file location should be displayed in the ''Upload picture'' field
** Images will upload to the directory ''img/wiki_up/''
#__Preview__: click the preview button and tikiwiki will upload the picture and place it on the page.

!!! Attaching an Image to a Page
For any page that you have permission to attach files to, you will see a button at the top or bottom of the page for attaching files. Click this button, browse for the image and upload it. Once uploaded, you can use the path or ID number in ((PluginImg)) to display the image on a page.

!!! Linking to an Image on Another Site
If the feature 'Cache external images' is set in the ''Admin Home -> General'' panel, when a URL is used, Tiki will automatically capture the image and store it in the database and update the link so that it points to that image. This allows images to be maintained on the pages even if they are removed from the remote servers that originally had them. See ((Cache External Images)) for more information.

!! Clearing Text Wrapping
In some situations the text wrapping around an image needs to be interrupted, such as when an image would otherwise intrude into an unrelated section. Beginning with ((Tiki4)), the ''block'' parameter in ((PluginImg)) can be used to help with this. Otherwise, the following methods can be used:
* The text and image can be wrapped with __~np~{DIV(class="clearfix")}...{DIV}~/np~__
* Within the __~np~{img}~/np~__ options include __class=clearfix__ to end the wrapping.
* If the feature ''((Dynamic Variable))'' is enabled, use __~np~%clear%~/np~__ and define that variable as having:
+ {CODE(colors="html4strict")} <BR style="clear: both" /> {CODE}
+ {img src="pics/icons/book_open.png"} The ''((Dynamic Content))'' feature can be used with a similar BR tag definition within a content block.

!! Links to Image-Related TikiWiki Directories
This table shows where image files are located on a Tiki site. It gives the directory, a brief description of the files (in some cases), the number of files in that directory (as of ((Tiki4))) and (in some cases) a link to a page where many of the images can be viewed:

{FANCYTABLE( head=> __Directory__ ~|~ __Description__ ~|~ __Qty__ ~|~ __Link__ )}
:: images ::~|~ Most of the icons used in Tiki ~|~::80::~|~ ((Directory Images Files))
:: img ::~|~ Backgrounds & logos ~|~::24::~|~ ((Directory Img Files))
:: img/avatars ::~|~ User avatars ~|~::580::~|~ ((Directory Img-Avatars Files))
:: img/custom ::~|~ Images for articles, blogs, files, etc. ~|~::27::~|~ ((Directory Img-Custom Files))
:: img/flags ::~|~ Flags from everywhere ~|~:: 249 ::~|~ ((Directory Img-Flags Files))
:: img/graph ::~|~ Graphs ~|~:: 4 ::~|~ 
:: img/icn ::~|~ Icons for file types ~|~::34::~|~ ((Directory Img-Icn Files))
:: img/icons ::~|~ A variety of small icons~|~::309::~|~ ((Directory Img-Icons Files))
:: img/icons2 ::~|~ More small icons ~|~::164::~|~ ((Directory Img-Icons2 Files))
:: img/mytiki ::~|~ Icons used in My-Tiki ~|~::16::~|~ ((Directory Img-MyTiki Files))
:: img/smiles ::~|~ Smilies ~|~::24::~|~ ((Directory Img-Smiles Files))
:: img/tiki ::~|~ Tiki icons ~|~::6::~|~ ((Directory Img-Tiki Files))
:: img/webmail ::~|~ Icons used in webmail ~|~::14::~|~ ((Directory Img-WebMail Files))
:: img/wiki_up ::~|~ Uploaded images ~|~::varies::~|~ 
:: lib/adodb/cute_icons_for_site ::~|~ ADOdb Icons ~|~::2::~|~ ((Directory Lib-Adodb Files))
:: lib/fckeditor/''various'' ::~|~ FCKeditor Icons ~|~::222::~|~ 
:: lib/hawhaw/skin/magnify ::~|~  ~|~::1::~|~ 
:: lib/htmlparser ::~|~  ~|~::1::~|~ 
:: lib/images/icons ::~|~  ~|~::76::~|~ 
:: lib/jquery/''various'' ::~|~  ~|~::350::~|~ 
:: lib/jscalendar/''various'' ::~|~  ~|~::13::~|~ 
:: lib/phplayers/''various'' ::~|~  ~|~::162::~|~ 
:: lib/slideshow ::~|~  ~|~::18::~|~ 
:: lib/slideshow_tiki ::~|~  ~|~::2::~|~ 
:: lib/smarty/misc ::~|~  ~|~::1::~|~ 
:: lib/tikihelp/icons ::~|~  ~|~::19::~|~ 
:: pics/''various'' ::~|~  ~|~::390::~|~ 
:: styles/''various'' ::~|~  ~|~::59::~|~ 


Information Version
Jean-Marc Libs fancytable Plugin modified by editor. 118
Jean-Marc Libs fancytable Plugin modified by editor. 117
Volker Wysk further clarification and example for the "path" 116
Volker Wysk further bringing up to date and resolving of "path" confusion 115
Volker Wysk Bring up to date, address "path" confusion 114
Volker Wysk 113
drsassafras Mass search and replace 112
drsassafras Mass search and replace 111
drsassafras Mass search and replace 110
drsassafras Mass search and replace 109
Yves Kipondo 108
Xavier de Pedro 107
Torsten Fabricius added responsive image 106
pianoliv moving a section to the reference guide 105
pianoliv status: review 104
pianoliv 103
pianoliv 102
pianoliv 101
sylvie 100
lindon Code Plugin modified by editor. 99
denvercolorado22 97
lindon 96
lindon 95
lindon 94
lindon 93
lindon 92
lindon fix icon link 91
lindon typo 90
lindon 89
lindon Revamp together with new PluginImg page to update for revised plugin in 4.0 88
lindon 87
lindon 86
lindon 85
lindon 84
lindon 83
lindon 82
lindon 81
lindon 80
lindon emphasized admin settings due to frequent questions, added screenshots, clean up 79
lindon 78
Scot Wilcoxon add = after class 77
Scot Wilcoxon hspace is not in 3.0 code 76
Scot Wilcoxon clean up 75
Scot Wilcoxon add more parameters 74
Scot Wilcoxon try <BR> again, add DIV 73
Scot Wilcoxon rename image page/dir section, describe wrap clear methods 72
Gary Cunningham-Lee Deleted two misplaced box tags that broke columns (no good to put parts of two list items in one box). 71
Scot Wilcoxon __imalign does not work with desc= parameter__ 70
Scot Wilcoxon rm "does not work" because image is left aligned 69
mlpvolt emphasis on troubleshooting tips - consolidated and moved up the page. 68
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