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History: Windows IIS Install

Source of version: 9 (current)

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            ^Stuff below is really old. Please go to ((Windows Server Install))^

!Windows IIS Install

This is an ((installation)) guide. This page needs to be ((refactor))ed

__Tikiwiki 19 on IIS__

''I am developing a complete set of instructions for Tiki 1.9 that will be available when 1.9 comes out.''

These are the steps I used when I installed a fresh copy of Tiki19 on IIS 5 and IIS 6.

I followed the instructions on the ((IISInstall)) page when I first started using Tiki back at version 1.6, so be sure that you follow them if this is your first time setting up Tiki on your system.  I've included a portion of the code samples from the IISInstall page below.

-=STEP 1=-
Download and unpack the contents of the 19 distribution into a folder.

-= STEP 2 =-
Create the IIS virtual directory for the IIS server, pointing to the directory where Tiki19 was placed.

-= STEP 3 =-
Edit the tiki-install.php and tiki-setup.php files accordingly:

* Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor.  I use [http://crimsoneditor.com|Crimson Editor]
** Change the line: ~np~$docroot = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);~/np~
** To: ~np~$docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version~/np~
* Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-setup.php  (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor.  I use [http://crimsoneditor.com|Crimson Editor]
** Change the line: ~np~$docroot = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);~/np~
** To: ~np~$docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version~/np~
** Change
// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set
// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set:
if (TikiSetup::os() == "windows")
	$uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
	$len = strlen($uri);
	if (substr($uri, $len -1) == "/")
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len -1);
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len - strlen($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) -1);
		$uri = $uri . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
	$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = $uri;

-= STEP 4 =-
Search the tiki-setup.php file for the following line:

{CODE(caption=>Before the change)}
$smarty->assign('feature_bidi', $feature_bidi);

Edit it to look like that:

{CODE(caption=>After the change)}
$feature_bidi = 'n';
$smarty->assign('feature_bidi', $feature_bidi);

-= STEP 5 =-
Search the tiki-setup.php file for the following: ~np~ $docroot/$dir/$tikidomain ~/np~
and comment out the section of code:
//        foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
//            if (!is_dir("$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain")) {
//                $errors .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain' does not exist.\n";
//            } else if (!is_writeable("$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain")) {
//                $errors .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain' is not writeable by $wwwuser.\n";
//            }
//        }~/pp~
-= STEP 6 =-
Open up the Tiki web site from a browser to begin the setup process.

!!older version (circa 1.7)

* See UpgradeTo18 for upgrading from 1.7 to 1.8
* If you are installing Tikiwiki 1.9, see 

# There's an error message after adding a blog, but the blog is added correctly
# Don't use the Mozilla theme or you'll be sorry
# Office documents don't properly download from IE.  Right click on the attachment and choose "Save Target As..."
# You'll get an error message if you click on "last forum topics" on the right and try to edit the post
** Renavigate to the post using the forum list and then edit the post
# Reading a forum thread that doesn't have any comments results in the right sidebar being displayed underneath the left sidebar

''These issues are relating to Internet Explorer usage, not IIS specifically - ((Damian))''

-=Installing IIS=-
* Go to the control panel, add/remove programs, and click the add/remove Windows Components button
* Select IIS 
* You may need to reboot
* Go to the start menu, followed by Windows Update
* Install all service packs and critical updates

-=Installing MySQL=-
* Download [http://www.mysql.com|MySQL]
* [http://perl.about.com/library/weekly/aa111400a.htm|How to install mySQL on Windows]
* Install MySQL as a service as described in the above link
* By default, it is possible to log into MySQL with no username or password.  I don't know how to change this behavior, but it's not a recommended configuration.

-=Installing TikiWiki=-
^If you are installing Tiki 1.8 or later, don't follow these instuctions and move to the next section^
* Download [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258|TikiWiki]
* Using [http://winzip.com|WinZip], extract to c:\ using folder names
* ~~red:Versions prior to 1.8 only~~ Enter the following from the command line:
** cd /d c:\tikiwiki_* (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** mkdir templates_c
** Go to Windows Explorer and modify the security for the folder c:\tikiwiki_*\templates_c
** Allow write access for the users whose names start  with IUSR and IWAM
** Note: 2004-10-01 Installed current stable version (1.7.8) and also had to allow write access to the tikiwiki base directory.
* ~~red:Versions 1.8 and later only~~ Enter the following from the command line:
** cd /d c:\tikiwiki_* (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** cd lib
** mkdir \php4
** xcopy /i /e pear \php4
* Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor.  I use [http://crimsoneditor.com|Crimson Editor]
** Change the line: ~np~$docroot = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);~/np~
** To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
* Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-setup.php  (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
** You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor.  I use [http://crimsoneditor.com|Crimson Editor]
** Change the line: ~np~$docroot = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);~/np~
** To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
** Change

// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set (ay ay
IIS, ay ay)


// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set (ay ay IIS, ay ay)
if (TikiSetup::os() == "windows")
	$uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
	$len = strlen($uri);
	if (substr($uri, $len -1) == "/")
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len -1);
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len - strlen($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) -1);
		$uri = $uri . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
	$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = $uri;

-=Installing PHP 4.x=-
* See also ((InstallEasyPhpAndTiki))
* Download page is [http://www.php.net/downloads.php|here]

There are two ways to use PHP.  CGI or ISAPI.

* Follow [http://www.visualwin.com/PHP-ISAPI|these instructions]
* Copy php.ini to c:\winnt

* Download and run the setup program
* Install PHP to c:\php
* Ignore errors regarding "missing OCX"
* Run Start/Program Files/Administrative Tools/Internet Services Manager
* Navigate to your web site
* Right-click on Default Web Site and select New/Virtual Directory
** Directory name: tiki
** Directory location: c:\tikiwiki_* (actual directory depends on which version you installed)
** Check the "Execute" check box
* Right-click on Default Web Site again
** Go to the Home Directory Tab
** Click the Configuration... button
** Click Add
*** Executable: c:\php\php.exe
*** Extension: .php

* Modify c:\winnt\php.ini
* Search for "SMTP" and enter your SMTP server and return email address

-=Testing PHP=-
* [http://abledesign.com/programs/holiday_code.php|This page] contains a simple PHP script.  Copy everything between < php and ? > (inclusive) to the file c:\tikiwiki_*\test.php (actual directory depends on which version you installed)
* Fire up your browser and go to http://localhost/tiki/test.php
* You should see a page that contains all the holidays in the current year -- if not, review this documentation with the actual steps you performed

-=Configuring and Testing TikiWiki=-
* Open a browser and go to http://localhost/tiki/tiki-install.php
** The password for the admin account is 'admin'
* Create a tiki database
* Go to http://localhost/tiki/index.php
* Log in as admin/admin and promptly change the password
* It is recommended that you delete c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php or move it to a folder that isn't accessible via the web

-=Enjoy Using TikiWiki!=-

please also see: