History: module recordrtc
Source of version: 3
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! Module Record RTC This ((Module)) captures audio and video in real-time for seamless collaboration !! Usage To use module __Record RTC__ in a wiki page: {CODE()} {module module="recordrtc"} {CODE} {PLUGINMANAGER(module=recordrtc) /} !! Example So, using the previous code in a wiki page would produce on this site a form to allow you start recording {img src="display2009" imalign="center" align="center"} All you need is providing a name for your record, and select what you need to record, whether it's your screen, mic, screen and mic, or camera and mic, and start recording. Note also that you can auto-upload your record or not. !! Related Pages {include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1a" stop="stopinclude1a"}