History: phpBB Authentication
Source of version: 13 (current)
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-=phpBB Authentication for TikiWiki=- This authentication backend allows you to authenticate users against a [http://www.phpbb.com/|phpBB] database. !!Requirements for phpBB Authentication This Authentication backend only works against phpBB version 3.x, also known as phpBB3. It won't work against phpBB2 due to a different password hashing algorithm. !!Enabling phpBB Authentication To Enable phpBB Authentication you will need to do the following three steps: !!!phpBB Step 1: Enable phpBB Authentication To enable phpBB Authentication within the Wiki goto the Admin page (Login section -icon of a door and arrow) and in dropdown box select phpBB: {img fileId="259"} !!!phpBB Step 2: Turn off User Registration Make sure that Registration is turned off: {img fileId="261"} User registration is handled in the phpBB software. !!!phpBB Step 3: Configure phpBB Authentication options Goto the phpBB tab: {img fileId="260"} You need to provide the database hostname, user, password, database name and table prefix (if any). Below is a table of the options and what they do. ~tc~ Preference documentation generated from https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/prefs/ ~/tc~ ~tc~ To update documentation see https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-get-commit-access ~/tc~ {PREFDOC(tab="login-phpbb")/} When the above is completed the wiki is ready to use phpBB as an authentication source. You will now need to ensure that phpBB is setup correctly. You can do that easily by logging in using a phpBB username/password, and try to log in with a non-existing user, and/or wrong password.