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Author Coffeeshop

Warning Message

posts: 1

Hi all

How to solve this problem;

Warning: tempnam() function.tempnam: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/carspace:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/carspace/public_html/lib/init/initlib.php on line 95

Warning: session_start() function.session-start: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/carspace/public_html/lib/init/initlib.php:95) in /home/carspace/public_html/tiki-setup_base.php on line 274

Warning: session_start() function.session-start: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/carspace/public_html/lib/init/initlib.php:95) in /home/carspace/public_html/tiki-setup_base.php on line 274
header already sent

This is my first install using TikiWiki in Fantastico on Server: Apache version 1.3.39 (Unix), PHP version 5.2.4 and MySQL version 4.1.22-standard


posts: 36 Japan

Maybe the Tiki files aren't in the list of allowed directories in the "open_basedir" variable of php.ini. So either they need to be included or open_basedir needs to be set to off (or no value) in php.ini. (I don't know first-hand but this is what I get from a little Googling.) Seems like script execution may not be set up right on your server.

-- Gary

BTW, support questions should be posted at http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-forums.php.