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Create an anchor that can be linked to

Plugin A Name

This wiki plugin, available since Tiki1, creates an anchor in a wiki page that can be linked to. Use in conjunction with the PluginAlink, which creates the link to the anchor.

Starting with Tiki release 2.0, Tiki will automatically create anchor points for all headings in a wiki page. You can use the PluginAlink to link to any heading on a wiki page without having to use a corresponding ANAME plugin.


Tiki Doc From Code error: aname not found


To take use this plugin in a wiki page, use the syntax:

Copy to clipboard

In the generated XHTML for your webpage, Tiki will create the following anchor:

Copy to clipboard
<a id='anchorname'></a>


  • If you include spaces in the anchor name, Tiki will convert the spaces to underscores ( _ ).
    For example, {ANAME()}my custom anchor{ANAME} will render as: <a id='my_custom_anchor'></a>.
  • Starting with Tiki release 2, Tiki generates the anchor using the id attribute. In prior releases, Tiki used the HTML name attribute (<a name='anchorname'></a>).


Aname Plugin Usage


anchorname <--put the name of the anchor here. Use this same name for the aname= parameter in the Plugin Alink (see just below).


ANAME example: {ANAME()}anchorname{ANAME}


aname=anchorname <-- put here the name of the anchor you created using the Plugin Aname!


link text <-- put here the text to appear as the link.


ALINK example: {ALINK(aname=anchorname)}link text{ALINK}

or rather, I only work so

ALINK example: -+{ALINK( aname="anchorname" pagename="wiki pagename")}link text{ALINK}+


To jump down to the anchor at the bottom of the page click HERE. <-- Here is where I put the ALINK plugin in this page.
Here is a second link to the same anchor at the bottom of the page. Again, I used the ALINK plugin.

The anchor is here. <-- I put the ANAME plugin at the beginning of this line. Now you can click HERE to jump to the anchor I put at the top of the page (you can't see where that one is unless you look into the page editor 😀)

Created by system. Last Modification: Friday 13 October, 2023 09:07:09 GMT-0000 by Baraka Kinywa.
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