Plugin App Frame
Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki9, to create a frame to assemble custom applications in. Components in the frame can be various wiki pages and modules with associated display and execution logic. This is useful if you want your Tiki to feel more like a custom-made application instead of a CMS with custom features. See Framework
AppFrame uses its own set of plugins to define the structure of the frame. The plugins can be nested to achieve the desired result. The PluginAppframe was built for the CartoGraf profile. Some features may be missing for your specific needs.
Structure plugins
- COLUMN: Divides the space into columns. The 'width' parameter indicates the percentage of the space to use.
- TAB: Creates a tabbed interface. The 'label' parameter indicates the name displayed on the tab.
- OVERLAY: Creates an overlay above the app frame at the desired position. The position can be specified in pixels relative to top, left, bottom or right.
- ANCHOR: Creates a sliding panel at the right of the section. The panel is initially displayed as an icon, specified by a parameter of the same name and a label parameter allows a title tag to be set.
- COND: Determines if the content should be displayed based on a given condition (empty/notempty), useful in conjunction with arg variables.
- HIDDEN: allows a section of the frame to remian hidden
Content plugins
- PAGE: Includes a wiki page
- TEMPLATE: Executes a smarty template
- MODULE: Executes any module
- MAPCONTROL: allows control tools to be added to a map with the following options:
- pan_zoom
- mode_enable
- select_feature
- modify_feature
- draw_polygon
- draw_path
- reset_zoom
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{APPFRAME(min= , hideleft= , hideright= , fullpage= )} Application layout {APPFRAME}
Application layout may only contain the above listed Structure plugins and Content plugins. IMPORTANT: normal plugins will not be executed.
Structure plugin examples
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{COLUMN(width=100%)} Contents of the column ie more Structure & Content plugins {COLUMN}
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{OVERLAY(top=375 left=12)} Contents of the overlay ie more Structure & Content plugins {OVERLAY}
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{ANCHOR(icon="path/to/image.jpg" label=title_text)} Contents of the anchor ie typically template & module plugins {ANCHOR}
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{HIDDEN()} Contents of the hidden section ie typically module plugins {HIDDEN}
Tiki Doc From Code error: appframe not found
Cartograf profile
Help enter tracker 1 items with a view on tracker 2 items
Create the page with a view
filter on tracker 1
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{trackerfilter filters="1" action="Search" trackerId="1" }
Create the appFrame page
appframe page
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{APPFRAME(hideleft="y" hideright="y" fullpage="y" absolute="n" fullscreen="y")} {page name="filter on tracker 1" }{APPFRAME}
Create the general page
Fill tracker 2 with a view on tracker 1
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!Search tracker 1 {IFRAME(name="Search tracker 1" title="Search" width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes")}appframe page{IFRAME} !!!Fill tracker 2 {tracker trackerId="2" }