See also PluginAppFrame
1. Introduction
New to Tiki19
Create out of the box unique landing pages by turning off header, footer, and site columns. This documentation page is using plugin Layout.
{layout header="n" footer="n" leftcolumn="n" rightcolumn="n" fullwidth="y" contentwidth="80%" bgimage="tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=97" bgrepeat="repeat" topmargin="1%" contentbg="#F6F3D1B3" contenttextcolor="#000" contentradius="0" contentboxshadow="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)" actionbuttons="n" topbar="n" pagetopbar="n" pagebottombar="n"}
1.1. Usability
Main purpose for Plugin Layout is to have the ability to create landing pages easily. These landing pages has the capability to remove standard header, footer and right/left columns on the screen and give user the full screen to setup something out of the box such as creative Sign Up, Download, and Feedback Pages. Which don't have any other distraction and user should be able to focus on the core objective of the page.
1.2. Parameters
1.3. Enable Plugin Layout
Go to Tiki Administration and search for "Layout" and you will find following two options to be enabled in the results.
1.4. How to get started
Create a new Tiki page or open an existing page and add the Plugin Layout to it using the page editor as shown in the diagram below.
2. Examples
Following are some examples of what we can create with Plugin Layout.
2.1. Software Download Page
Page header, footer, left and right columns are removed to give only the download button with some information. A clean and focused landing page for downloads.
2.2. Website Login Page
Simple login page with tiled background image.
2.3. Social Connect Page
A simple page to connect visitors to website social media accounts and show live feed from facebook.
2.4. Multiple Backgrounds Layout
This example built with Plugin Layout shows how to use multiple images slideshow in the background.