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Include Javascript code or files


Use the JS wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki3, to include JavaScript files or JavaScript code in a wiki page.

Alternatives: PluginHTML or PluginJQ


Tiki Doc From Code error: js not found


Basic syntax

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Insert a javascript file or/and some javascript code. {JS(file='file.js')}javascript code{JS}

The file.js file is in this case in the Tikiroot.

This will produce the following code for your Tiki site:
<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js"></script>

Note that it has to be surrounded by quotes.

Copy to clipboard

{REMARKSBOX(title="Tip" type="tip")}Literal strings will have < , > , and & converted into HTML entities (and possibly other characters as well), so if your javascript is dealing with HTML (e.g. via document.write() ), you probably need to convert them back.

Example 1

To include JavaScript code, use:

Copy to clipboard
{JS()} var.... function ... ... {JS}

This will produce the following code for your Tiki:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ...

The file is inserted before the param, if you need the reverse order use 2 calls to the JS plugin.

Example 2

This code:

Copy to clipboard

Would produce a pop up window that the user would have to click on "Accept" button ("D'accord" in this localized example) to make it disappear:



Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 27 July, 2022 23:43:47 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte.
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