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Tiki References implements local references in Tiki. Tiki also has support for Zotero references, but they are stored externally on the Zotero server.

New in Tiki10.

References consist of 2 parts. First the bibliography definition, which is (usually) listed at the bottom of the page. Second the in-page reference, which hyperlinks to a bibliography entry. A bibliography entry can be reference 0..N times in the page.
All definitions are displayed in the listing, thus displayed if used by in-page references or not.

The in-page references are linked to the bibliography definitions using the "biblio_code", which must be unique per page.

It is possible to share references by using the built-in library.

Preparing to Use References

Activate the Wiki References feature

The Wiki References feature must be activated before you can use references. This is done in the "Wiki" Admin panel under the "Features" tab.


Activating Wiki References will automatically also

  1. activate the plugins PluginAddReference and PluginShowReference
  2. display the Add / Show Reference buttons in the editor toolbar

The plugins can be enabled manually in the "Editing and Plugins" Admin panel.


To manually configure the editor toolbar, follow the below:

  1. Go to Admin → Wysiwyg page.
  2. Click on 'Toolbars' button.
  3. Toolbar customization page will appear
  4. Follow the instructions in the screen-shot and click on 'Save'.


The image below shows the icons in the editor

Configure the permissions

Any user with permissions to edit the page can define references for the page and use them in the page. The reference permissions deal with the library access.

Users with 'tiki_p_use_reference' permission can:

  • View and copy entries from references from the library.

Users with 'tiki_p_edit_reference' permission can:

  • Open and use reference library admin panel.
  • Add references to library
  • Delete library references
  • Edit library references

Using Page References

To use (or make the page references visible on the page), the reference plugins must be added. Standard reference handling uses both in-page links and a bibliography listing. The bibliography listing is typically added at the bottom of the page.


 Save page before using references
The page must be saved before it is possible to add any references to it. The reason is that the references use the database pageId to link to the wiki page, and the pageId doesn't exist before the page is saved. Thus it is not possible to add references to a newly created page before it is saved.

Add plugins

The screenshot below shows the manual way to add the plugins. Using the shortcuts to the toolbar is easier.


Add/Edit the bibliography entries

Go to the properties tab while editing the page. There you can add/edit the bibliography entries associated with the page.
The bibliographies that are being used in the page will be highlighted with a green background.


References are saved independently of the page. Thus if pressing "Save" to commit a new reference for a page, it is added even if the page edit itself is canceled. Similarly when deleting a reference.

There is no version handling for references. Rolling back to a previous page version will not affect the reference definitions for the page.

Reference Attributes
Biblio Code A unique reference code per page. Used to link the in-page reference to the bibliography listing
Author The author(s) of the work
Title The title of the work
Year The year, season, etc. the work was created/published
Part Part of the work referenced, e.g. page numbers
URI A Link to the work
Code Code identifying the work, e.g. the ISBN number
Style Formatting style. See below for details
Template Formatting layout. Determines which fields to display, the ordering and more See below for details

Set Style

In the 'Style' field of the bibliography form, you may enter the CSS class name that will be applied to the 'li' tag of that reference while listing the references in the footer of the page. For example in the style field, if you add 'boldBlue', this CSS class will be applied to this reference in the listing and the generated HTML code will look like:

''<li class='boldBlue'> ...bibliography details... </li>

Definition of 'blueBold' in tikiroot\styles\mystyle.css
.references ul li.boldBlue{


Set Template

In the 'Template' field of the bibliography form, you may enter the format and ordering in which you want to display the bibliography details in the footer. It specifies ordering, decoration and the location of reference parameters.

Thus: ~title~ (~year~) ~author~
Using title=Hello World, author=Somebody and year=2011
will produce: Hello World (2011) somebody

All the codes must be in lower case letters separated by spaces.

Macros available
~author~Name of the author(s)
~title~The title of the referenced work
~year~Publication year, date, season, etc.
~part~The part of the work referenced, e.g. pages 180-185
~uri~URI to the referenced work
~code~Code, e.g. ISBN, of the referenced work
~publisher~ The company or unit that published the work
~location~ The place, e.g. city, where the work was published

The default template is: ~title~, ~part~, ~author~, ~location~, ~year~, ~publisher~, ~code~
If you would like the title to be hyperlinked with the URL, modify your template so that the ~title~ tag is surrounded by a html href anchor, e.g.

Copy to clipboard
<a href="~uri~">~title~</a>

Note: Tiki parsing currently adds the 'tiki_', please do not add it yourself.

Using Reference Library

The library references are not linked to a specific wiki page, but are accessed from the bibliography section in the page properties tab.
The library is shared between the local users.

Users with the 'tiki_p_use_reference' permission, can view and copy references from the library to the current page.
Users with 'tiki_p_edit_reference' can maintain the library.

The biblio codes in the library (as in the pages) must be unique.

Please note: while the on-page reference creator will allow some special characters, the library editor only support characters [A-Za-z0-9] so be sure you use ONLY alphanumeric characters when creating references for use in the library.



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