Surveys User
Listing surveys
Surveys can be listed by clicking Surveys in the Application menu (which would lead you to tiki-list_surveys.php)

Surveys that the user can take are displayed in bold and the title links to the survey form. If the user already took the survey or cannot take it, the survey title won't be a link.

Note that users can take each survey only once but admin can take a survey as many times as he or she wants. If you allow anonymous users to take surveys, users will be able to take a survey many times if they clear their cookies. If you want to enforce only one vote per user, make surveys available to registered users only.
Taking a survey
When you click on a survey name in the listing (or at this icon
), you will be able to fill out the survey form (tiki-take_survey.php?surveyId=1 , for survey 1, for instance).

Survey stats
If you have the right permissions, you can see stats for a survey. Under the survey listing, clik on the lens icon (
, tiki-survey_stats_survey.php?surveyId=1):