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History: Tracker Details

Source of version: 5 (current)

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            ! Trackers Details 
As you have certainly read, the Trackers feature is a powerful, flexible tool for recording information about a collection of items.
One of this power is the use and the definition of several "field types".

!! Field types
See ((Tracker Field Type))

!! How to go to a specific tab with an url
Add show=mod, or show=att or show=com or show=view to the url

!!How to set a tracker (not a user tracker) to have the items only visible and editable by the creator (tw >= 1.10)
There are different ways to do that. But one way that can work
Create a tracker with the setting
Item creator can modify his items? yes
Add to this tracker a field
user selector type with an automatic field feeding with login (option 1)
Assign special perms to the tracker (if not the default configuration)
tiki_p_create_tracker_items for Registered

That's all. In tracker list, a user will sees only its items. He will be able to edit only his items. He will be able to create items. An admin will be able to edit and see all the items and create new one.

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