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LinkedIn Tab

Option Description Default
Client ID Client ID generated by registering this site as an application at LinkedIn None
Client secret Client Secret generated by registering this site as an application at LinkedIn None
Log in using LinkedIn Allow users to log in using LinkedIn. Disabled
Auto-create Tiki user from LinkedIn Automatically create a Tiki user by the username of li_xxxxxxxx for users logging in using LinkedIn if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account Disabled
Set user email from LinkedIn on creation. Tiki will set the user's email from LinkedIn on creation. Disabled
Create a user tracker item on registration Sets whether a tracker item should be created for the user upon registration Disabled
First and last name tracker field IDs to set on creation Comma-separated, with first name field followed by last name field; for example, '2,3' None
The jQuery Sortable Tables feature must be activated for the sort feature to work.

Logging in and creating a user by using LinkedIn

Since Tiki15, you can also set up your site to allow users to log into LinkedIn as they can with Facebook.

Steps to do this are:

  1. Register your site as a LinkedIn App.
    1. Note your Client ID and secret to put in your Tiki prefs.
    2. Set default permissions to r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress
    3. Set the authorized redirect url to: http://yourtikisite.com/tiki-socialnetworks_linkedin.php
  1. Set your Tiki preferences for LinkedIn at /tiki-admin.php?page=socialnetworks
    1. Set your Client ID and Secret from Step 1.
    2. Check both login and auto-create user using LinkedIn

This will allow users to Log In using LinkedIn.