History: Cypht Integration status
Preview of version: 16
Tiki and Cypht webmail interoperability started with Tiki20 (2019). Major work has been done since that time in Cypht, and in Tiki 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. Work is ongoing, so it's recommended to run the latest 26.x (and 27.x when released) from Git or Daily Build. Most enhancements and many fixes will not be backported as there are lots of changes. Please see this known issue. The collaboration between Cypht and Tiki has similarities with Roundcube and Kolab (but started a decade later!). In recent years, much of the innovation in Roundcube is driven by Kolab. Similarly , the Tiki project is now the main driver of innovation in Cypht. In June 2023, Cypht became a community project and Jason (the original author) is no longer the most active contributor. Jason is now more in an advisor mode. Cypht 1.4.0 was released in 2023-07. For the period of 2022-08-08 to 2023-08-08, there were 246 code commits, which represents an increase of 50 (25%) from previous 12 months.