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History: Elasticsearch

Source of version: 65

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            ! Elasticsearch
"[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elasticsearch|Elasticsearch] is a distributed, RESTful, free/open source search server based on Apache Lucene." Elasticsearch brings faster search, better search and some ((Natural Language Processing)) features.

It is interoperable with Tiki, starting in ((Tiki12)).

!!# Features enabled by Elasticsearch
* ((Faceted search)), which also be used through ((PluginCustomSearch))
** ((Date-based aggregations))
* ((Stored Search))
* ((Natural Language Processing))
* ((Module More Like This))
* ((Federated Search))

!!# How to configure
{img fileId="819" desc="Configurable from tiki-admin.php?page=search"}

!!# One server vs a cluster
Elasticsearch can be installed as a cluster of servers but can also run on the same server as Tiki. If you have a very high volume of content and have performance issues, you can install on a separate server, set up a cluster or get it as SaaS. You should not install Elasticsearch on a server that has a small amount of RAM (ex.: 1 gig)

!!# Support matrix
.x means the latest release of that branch

|| Tiki | Elasticsearch
19.x | 2.x, 5.x and 6.x
18.x | 2.x and 5.x (Sites with a lot of data require [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/65929|a fix from 2018-04-05] which requires 18.2 and Elasticsearch 5.x)
15.x | 1.x and 2.x
12.x | 1.x and 2.x

Since Elasticsearch automatically updates 2.x index to 5.x first time it starts - you can see some errors then. First time it rebuilds index might also show errors due to the automatic upgrade problems. However, once it builds the index on 5.x, then further rebuilds must not have errors. So, 2 index rebuilds after upgrade is the safest path to go.

!!# Factoids
{HTML()}<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.openhub.net/p/elasticsearch/widgets/project_factoids_stats?format=js'></script>{HTML}

!!-# Video
{youtube movie="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpZ6ZajygDY"}

!!# Installation
* https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html
* http://wikisuite.org/How-to-install-Elasticsearch-on-ClearOS

!!# Peculiarities
See: https://doc.tiki.org/LIST+-+filter+command#Peculiarities_for_Elasticsearch

!!# GUI
* http://www.adminer.org/ supports Elasticsearch
* [https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana|Kibana]
* [http://help.plot.ly/database-connectors/elasticsearch/|Plotly]

!!# Kibana
Kibana: [https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana]. Some installation notes:
I mostly followed [https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-elasticsearch-1-7-logstash-1-5-and-kibana-4-1-elk-stack-on-centos-7|these instructions] but haven't got Logstash working yet, and I already had Apache installed so didn't use Nginx, but added this extra apache config file: -+/usr/local/apache/conf/includes/pre_virtualhost_global.conf+-

ProxyRequests On

ProxyPass /app/kibana
ProxyPassReverse /app/kibana

ProxyPass /bundles
ProxyPassReverse /bundles

ProxyPass /elasticsearch
ProxyPassReverse /elasticsearch

# One of these blocks is probably redundant, and you need to make the htpasswd.users file yourself
<Directory /opt/kibana>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Restricted Area"
    AuthUserFile /opt/kibana/config/htpasswd.users
    Require valid-user

<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Restricted Area"
    AuthUserFile /opt/kibana/config/htpasswd.users
    Require valid-user
^Note: You need to get the right version of Kibana to match your version of Elastic, I am currently on Elastic 2.4 with Kibana 4.6 ^

A newer simpler way is to use: http://wikisuite.org/How-to-install-Kibana-on-ClearOS

!!# SaaS options
* https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hosted+elasticsearch
{TABS(tabs="Elastic Cloud|Amazon AWS|Bonsai|Scalefastr|QBox|Searchly|Logz|ObjectRocket" toggle="n")}__''Elastic Cloud [https://www.elastic.co/cloud/as-a-service|site link]''__

*v.5x, v.6x  ''(see not below)''

*roughly $30/GB RAM

*1GB RAM / 24GB disk space = $50/month.  
*~~black,#FF9:4GB RAM / 96GB disk space = $121/month.~~
*64GB RAM / 1.5TB disk space = $1766/month
*256GB RAM / 6TB disk space = $6191/month.

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__
*''"We make the two latest minor versions of the latest major version available for provisioning. In addition, the latest minor version of the previous major version is also available."''

__''Amazon AWS [https://aws.amazon.com/elasticsearch-service/|site link]''__

*v.1x - v.6x

*roughly $13/GB RAM
**‘General Purpose’
**disc. space = $0.135/GB disk space

*1GB RAM / 20GB disk space =$16/month
*~~black,#FF9:4GB RAM / 100GB disk space = $67/month~~
*64GB RAM / 1TB disk space =$1004/month

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__


__''Bonsai [https://bonsai.io/|site link]''__

*non-dedicated: 5x, 6x,
*dedicated: region dependent, from v.1x- v.6x

SHARED (3 datacenters):
*roughly: $50/GB (RAM.)

*Free: 125MB RAM / 125MB disk space
*500MB RAM / 2GB disk space = $20/month.
*1.25GB RAM / 5GB disk space = $50/month.
*~~black,#FF9:3GB RAM / 30GB disk space = $150/month.~~
*12GB RAM / 120GB disk space = $600/month.

*$60/GB (RAM.)

*~~black,#FF9:10Gb / 80GB disk space = $600/month.~~
*20GB RAM / 200GB disk space = $1200/month.
*40GB RAM / 400GB disk space = $2400/month.

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__


__''Scalefastr [https://www.scalefastr.io/|site link]''__

*v.1x - v.5x

(no small packages)

*roughly $8/GB (RAM)

*256GB RAM / 4TB (4node) = $2045/month.
*384GB RAM / 6TB (6node) = $2943/month.
*512GB RAM / 8TB (6node) = $4090/month.

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__
*''“We only offer storage solutions with a minimum of four nodes.  This allows for three total copies of data plus one server to handle failures.  Since we deploy on bare metal, this means we're a bit monthre expensive for smaller clusters but they are also much faster than our competitors.  We're also much much monthre affordable on the high end.  Usually 30-50% less than our competitors for data at large scale."''


__''QBox [https://qbox.io/|site link]''__

*v.1x - v.5x

*$12 - 40/GB RAM

*1GB RAM / 20GB disk space = $40/month 
*~~black,#FF9:4GB RAM / 80GB disk space = $90/month~~ 
*64GB RAM / 1.2TB disk space = $1342/month
*768GB RAM / 15.3TB disk space = $10,043/month.

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__

__''Searchly [http://www.searchly.com/|site link]''__

*v.1x - v.5x

(only shared RAM, see below)
*3 ‘Indeces’ / 1GB disk space = $9/month.
*~~black,#FF9:9 ‘Indeces’ / 6GB disk space = $59/month.~~
*18 ‘Indeces’ / 30GB disk space = $199/month.
*44 ‘Indeces’ / 100GB disk space = $799/month.

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__
*''"Indices count do not influence the search performance. Searchly is using shared architecture, therefore there are no dedicated ram."''

__''Logz [https://logz.io/|site link]''__


*roughly: $46 - 57 /GB disc
**''see note below about RAM''

*Free 3GB (disc, not RAM.);
*5GB disk space = $290/month.
*100GB disk space = $4620/month.
*100GB - 15TB disk space = ‘contact us’

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__
*''"We are not priced based on RAM allocation because of multi-tenancy and a couple other factors-- instead we charge based on daily log volume ingested and retention time (e.g. 5 GB/day, 14 days retention)."''
*public [https://github.com/logzio/public-api|API's] on Github
*free trial on site


__''ObjectRocket [https://www.objectrocket.com/managed-elasticsearch/|site link]''__

*v.5x - v.6x

*roughly $30/GB RAM

*2GB RAM / 16GB (2 x 8GB nodes) = $60/month.
*~~black,#FF9:4GB RAM / 32GB (2 x 16GB nodes) = $240/month.~~
*12GB RAM / 96GB (3 x 32GB nodes) = $1,379/month.
*64GB RAM / 512GB (2 x 256GB nodes) = $5517/month

*yes (ELK stack)

__===Other Notes===:__
*''price changed - updated Object Rocket May 20, 2018''
*''as of April 2018''

!!# Related
* ((How to configure Tiki for Elasticsearch Service))
* ((Recommendation Engine))
* [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elasticsearch-query-build/cioobgbmiehdijndbmjkbjlkdeijdibp|Elasticsearch Query builder] extension for Google Chrome
* ((Logging using ELK Stack))

* (alias(Elastic Search))



Information Version
Marc Laporte 81
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Hiding Video not available 80
Marc Laporte Not for 21x 79
Marc Laporte Better security 78
Marc Laporte 77
Marc Laporte Elasticsearch 8 has just been added 76
Marc Laporte 75
Marc Laporte 74
Marc Laporte 73
Marc Laporte No changed planned 72
Marc Laporte 71
Marc Laporte Tiki 21.x reported to work fine on Elasticsearch 7.x by Jonny and Victor 70
Xavier de Pedro 69
Marc Laporte I don't know for ES7 though... 68
Marc Laporte 67
Marc Laporte 66
Marc Laporte 65
Marc Laporte 64
Marc Laporte Fix embedded Factoid 63
Marc Laporte 62
Marc Laporte 61
Marc Laporte Elastic Cloud should be first 60
Marc Laporte AutoTOC 59
Marc Laporte Simplified table 58
Jean-Marc Libs only formatting changes for newbie friendliness 57
Jean-Marc Libs html Plugin modified by editor. 56
Mike Finko 55
Mike Finko 54
Mike Finko 53
Mike Finko 52
Marc Laporte 51
Mike Finko 50
Mike Finko 49
Mike Finko 48
Mike Finko 47
Marc Laporte Fix is coming but won't be adapted to work with Elasticsearch 2. Elasticsearch 5 will be fixed, and our energies should go on v6 46
Marc Laporte Thanks Victor! 45
Marc Laporte 44
Marc Laporte 43
Marc Laporte 42
Philippe Cloutier fix list 41
Philippe Cloutier describe Elasticsearch Query builder 40
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 39
Marc Laporte Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 38
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 37
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 36
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 35
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 34
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 33
Xavier de Pedro Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 32
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