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History: Microsoft Azure App Service

Source of version: 2

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            !Deploy Tiki on Microsoft Azure App Service
[https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/app-service/|Azure App Service] provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service using the Linux operating system. This tutorial is inspired from educational articles from Microsoft Azure. It shows how to install securely Tiki in Azure App Service. Tiki will be connected to a MySQL database (using Azure Database for MySQL flexible server). When you're finished, you'll have a Tiki app running on Azure App Service on Linux.

TikiWiki relies on three major external applications to run.
* PHP (scripting language)
* Web server (usually Apache but Nginx is the default one Azure)
* Database (usually MySQL)

To achieve our goal, we will create App Service and MySQL ressources, setup the database connectivity and then upload Tiki files to Azure.


Information Version
Marcellin Wabo 5
Marcellin Wabo 4
Marcellin Wabo 3
Marcellin Wabo 2
Marcellin Wabo 1