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History: Migrate from MyISAM to InnoDB

Source of version: 1

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Migration steps:

# Make sure you are not using the deprecated tiki-searchresults.php feature (preference name feature_search_fulltext and removed after ((Tiki26))), but instead use tiki-searchindex.php (preference name: feature_search)
# Do a full backup of your current database/installation
# Alter the database engine for all tables to InnoDB using db/tiki_convert_myisam_to_innodb.sql

Performing the conversion with phpMyAdmin may cause a PHP timeout. Running the script with the mysql command avoids that:
{CODE(colors="shell" theme="default")}mysql -u userName -p databaseName < db\tiki_convert_myisam_to_innodb.sql{CODE}
Nevertheless, step 4 may fail converting the tiki_files table if innodb_log_file_size is not high enough. In one case, 25 MB was insufficient (80 MB sufficed).

The source code lives here: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/master/db/tiki_convert_myisam_to_innodb.sql (This is for master, so you may want to look for corresponding file for your Tiki version)



Information Version
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte Copy-paste from https://doc.tiki.org/InnoDB 1