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History: Module menu

Source of version: 8

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            ! Module menu
Starting in ((Tiki7)), there is a dedicated menu module instead of indicating something like {CODE()}{menu id=43 css=y type=horiz toLevel=0}{CODE} in a custom module.

You could put the following in a wiki page (where structureId is the ID of the structure)
{CODE()}{module module="menu" structureId=1}{CODE}

{maketoc title=""}

!! Making menus look good
!!! For top-right horizontal menu
# Use the module menu in the "top" section with the following parameters:
** id= (put the ID of the menu you want there)
** type=horiz
** css=y
** menu_id=secondary_site_menu
** menu_class=box-secondary_site_menu
** nobox=y

!!! The second-level horizontal menu
# Use the module menu in the "topbar" section with the following parameters:
** id= (put the ID of the menu you want there)
** type=horiz
** css=y
** menu_id=tiki-top
** menu_class=clearfix
** nobox=y

!! Comparison with other modules
What is better with the "module menu" compared to the "module wikistructuremenu", is that the "module menu" you can use for horizontal and vertical menus, whilst the "module wikistructuremenu"  works only vertically.

!! Example

The main horizontal navigation menu in the top bar, that you can see aswell on the one column HomePage, is a "module menu" with a "standardly assigned menuId".
Each of the topnavigation items link to a wikistructure startpage, each assigned to an appropriate category.

There is a second horizontal menu - not in the topbar, but in the pagetop.
This is the same menu than lefthandside, so it is a wikistructuremenu - but this one is made with the "module menu" (instead of the lefthand ones, which are said to be "modules wikistructuremenu").
So you see that a wikistructure menu works with the "module menu" aswell.

If the menu should be restructured - mostlikely the new pages autoposition in the menu does not fit exactly - somebody with permission to admin the structure has to move up and to deprecate or to promote the page in the structure - that is done only with arrows up/down/left/right

In the admin area of the specific structure, you also can add (or delete) pages to this structure and depending of the settings regarding autocategorisation, these added pages also appear in the menu automagically (if a structured page would not be in the structures category, the menu would disappear).

This way, you do not need to give any editor the task and/or permission to edit menus.
The moving of pages in the structure is such time-un-consuming, that a few people with permissions on structure administration might be enough and this might not necessarily a permission for all editors. 


Information Version
Marc Laporte 17
Baraka Kinywa 16
Yves Kipondo 15
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 14
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 13
Xavier de Pedro 12
Xavier de Pedro 11
Xavier de Pedro 10
Xavier de Pedro 9
Xavier de Pedro 8
Xavier de Pedro added to the list of all modules 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte Documenting nice menus 4
Xavier de Pedro added nice info from torsten and added this page to the full documentation structure 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1