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History: Module quick_edit

Source of version: 13

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            ^This page ((needs review))^
! Quick Edit Module 
This ((Module)) allows users (with ((permissions))), to create or edit wiki pages. Simply type the name of a wiki page and click __Edit__. 
* If the page exists, Tiki will open the Edit screen for the page.
* If the page does not exist, Tiki will create the page.

__Note__: The name of the wiki page must conform to the character link format, as defined on the {ALINK(page=Wiki Config, aname=_Wiki_Link_Format)}Wiki Link Formatting field{ALINK}.

!! Usage
You will see it listed at "Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (__tiki-admin_modules.php__).

You can assign a this ((Module)) to a lateral column (See ((Module Admin)) page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the ((PluginModule)).
{CODE()}{MODULE(module=quick_edit) /}{CODE}

The assigned module (with its default values) looks like this:
:: ^{MODULE(module=quick_edit) /}^ ::

Valid parameters for this module include:
{FANCYTABLE(head=>Parmeter ~|~ Value ~|~ Description ~|~ Default ~|~ Optional?)}
templateId ~|~ numeric ~|~ Wiki template (ID) to use when creating the page. See note below on how to find the ID of a particular template. ~|~ None ~|~ Y
size ~|~ numeric ~|~ Size of the Create/Edit Page field ~|~ 15 ~|~ Y
categId ~|~ numeric ~|~ Category (ID) to assign to newly created page. ~|~ None ~|~ Y
mod_quickedit_heading ~|~ alphanumeric ~|~ Title of the module ~|~ None ~|~ Y
submit ~|~ string ~|~ Label of the submit button ~|~ Create/Edit ~|~ Y
action ~|~ URL ~|~ Target of the form ~|~ tiki-editpage.php ~|~ Y

Tiki 6+ parameters
{FANCYTABLE(head="Parmeter ~|~ Value ~|~ Description ~|~ Default ~|~ Optional?" sortable="n")}
addcategId ~|~ numeric ~|~ If set, pages created through the module have this category prechecked to be categorized in. Different from categId which gives no chance to add more categories ~|~ None ~|~ Y
customTip ~|~ text ~|~ Custom text to be shown as a tip at the top of the edit page that appears as a result of this quick edit ~|~ None ~|~ Y
customTipTitle ~|~ text ~|~ Title of the above tip shown ~|~ None ~|~ Y
headerwiki ~|~ text (wiki page name) ~|~ Wiki page of which the contents will be shown on top of the edit page (useful for instructions on how to edit etc... ~|~ None ~|~ Y
input field for copy/paste ~|~ text ~|~Add a text area for copy/paste page content ~|~ None ~|~ Y
show description field ~|~ text ~|~Add a text field to enter the page description (requires feature_wiki_description ~|~ None ~|~ Y
choose category ~|~ dropdown ~|~Allows the user to choose a category instead of preselecting one ~|~ None ~|~ Y

To find the ~templateID~ for a particular template, do:
* Admin menu (usually on the  left) > Content Templates
* Locate the template you want, and click on the pen icon in that row (in Action column)
* Look at the url, and find the ~templateID=nn~ part. This gives you the ID.

The module can be used to create an auto-complete page search by setting action to ''tiki-index.php''.

{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 15
Baraka Kinywa 14
pianoliv status: review 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte 11
Nelson Ko 9
Nelson Ko 8
lindon 7
Philippe Cloutier 6
alain_desilets 5
lindon getting rid of wanted pages 4
Louis-Philippe Huberdeau Updating parameters 3
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties created content, ready for review 2
Xavier de Pedro 1