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History: Module switch_lang

Source of version: 3

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            !!! Module switch_lang
This ((Module)) allows visitors to change the language of the Tiki site interface (menus, module titles, and so on.). The ((Module switch_lang2|switch_lang2 module)) also provides a way to change the interface language.

!!!! Usage
You will see it listed at ""Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (__tiki-admin_modules.php__).

You can assign a this ((Module)) to a lateral column (See ((Module Admin)) page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the ((PluginModule)).

You can also include the module in a wiki page by using:
To use this module in a wiki page:

* title: The title of the module box. The default is __Language
* flip:
+This option requires that __nobox__ = __n__.
* nobox: If __y__, do ''not'' draw a box around the module. The default is __n__ (a box ''will'' be drawn).
+This option requires that __decorations__ = __y__.
* decorations: If __n__, the __flip__ and __nobox__ options will be ignored. The default is __y__.

The assigned module looks like this:

:: {img src="img/wiki_up/switch_lang.png" alt="The switch_lang module"} ::

The list of available languages is determined by the language files currently installed in your __lang__ directory:
:: {img src="img/wiki_up/lang_folder.png" alt="Language files in the LANG folder."} ::

-=Related pages=-
* ((Module))
* ((Module User))
* ((Module Admin))
* ((Module Details))
* ((i18n))

* ((Mods Type Modules))
* ((Modules Admin))



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 14
Baraka Kinywa 13
drsassafras Mass search and replace 12
pianoliv status: review 11
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
lindon 7
lindon 6
lindon 5
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 4
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties initial content contribution 3
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties created initial page 2
Xavier de Pedro 1