History: Module zone
Source of version: 4
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! {{page}} New in ((Tiki14)). New module meant to provide a module "navbar" for the website. !! Usage You will be able to add it through "Admin > Modules > Add module > Assign new module | Module name: __Module Zone__". You add a "zone", and then you can drop a module menu in it. The menu module creates the toggle button and internal nabbers. {REMARKSBOX(type="tip" title="Tip")} You might find you need to use the module list tabs to adjust the in-zone modules - drag & drop is a bit sticky sometimes {REMARKSBOX} !! Parameters {FANCYTABLE( head=> __Parameter__ ~|~ __Accepted values__ ~|~ __Effect__ ~|~ __Required?__ ~|~ __Version__ )} ''Zone Name'' ~|~ string ~|~ Must be unique, the zone becomes an "extra module zone" and will apear in the admin modules panel ~|~ y ~|~ 14.0 ''CSS Class'' ~|~ string ~|~ Example for a Bootstrap "social" navbar: "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top ~|~ n ~|~ 14.0 {FANCYTABLE} !! Links Main related commit: http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/52430 {include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}