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History: PluginKanban

Preview of version: 6

Plugin Kanban

Introduced in Tiki24. Use this wiki plugin to move tracker items with drag & drop capabilities in Trello-like boards.

It requires API access enabled to work (Security > API access).


Introduced in Tiki 25. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_kanban

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
order word Sort order for cards within a cell. Must be a numeric field. You will have to create it if the board represents an existing tracker. It is not meant to be displayed to the user, or represent something global like "priority" (that would make no sense on a partial representation). It merely means that the card is displayed above any card with lower value, and below any card with a higher one if displayed in the same cell. When a card is moved board will halve the value of the two surrounding cards to compute the new value. 25.0
title word Tracker field containing the inline editable text shown on each card. 25.0
column word Tracker field representing the columns, usually a dropdown list with options such as "Wishes", "Work" and "Done". 25.0
boardTrackerId int Id of the tracker the board is a partial representation of 24.0
description word Optional text shown below the title on each card. 25.0
swimlane word Tracker field representing the "rows" or "swimlanes" of the board. Can be any field with discrete values. Usually represents a client, a project, or a team member. By default, all tracker items with that field set to a valid values will be shown on the board. To allow empty values, see swimlaneValues. Note: A kanban board can have multiple rows, but these rows aren't independent, they share the same possible States and Wip limits. If what you want is completely independent "rows", create two boards on the same tracker, with different filters. 25.0
columnValues text
separator: :
For the tracker field mapped in "column", defines for each column the value a tracker item must have for that field, as well as the label displayed as the column header and the WiP limit for that column. Implicitely defines the number of columns and in which order they are shown; You can skip values so they are not part of the board (and you typically do, if only to eventually archive done cards). The parameter is and array of colon separated values, each containing a coma separated arguments configuring the column. In order, the configuration represent the: 1) Mandatory. The value the mapped field must have in the tracker item for the card to be shown in the matching column. 2) Optional. If present and not "null", the text to be displayed as the column header instead of the normal tracker field label for the value above. (For example "Done" instead of "Closed") 3) Optional. If present and not "null", the WiP (Work in Progress) limit for the cards in the column. In "null", there is no limit for the number of cards in the column. Typically you will use null for the first and last column. null or nothing between the comas means the parameter is not set. Necessary since the arguments are positional. So for example: someValue,someAlternateTextToDisplay,null:someOtherValue,,4 Means the board would have two colums, the first column would be titled "someAlternateTextToDisplay" containing cards with the value "someValue" for the mapped field and no limit to the number of cards. The second column would have cards with "someOtherValue" for the mapped field, with whatever the label is for that value in the field definition, and the column would be highlighted red if there is more than 4 cards. No card with any other value would be anywhere on the board. To allow empty values, include a field with an empty value (ex: someValue:someOtherValue:,Unsorted cards) If the whole parameter is absent (not recommended), all possible field values will be used to generate columns (except the empty value). 25.0
swimlaneValues text
separator: :
Similar to columnValues, except there is no WiP limit. To allow empty values, include a field with an empty value (ex: someValue:someOtherValue:,Unsorted cards). An aditional swimlane will be included for empty values. If the parameter is present but only contains the empty value (ex: ,Unsorted cards), all possible field values will be used to generate swimlanes, and an aditional swimlane will be included for empty values. 25.0


Example 1

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{kanban trackerId="8" title="Kanban Board for doc.t.o issues" description="Item Description" xaxis="f_113" yaxis="f_118" swimlane="f_117"}

Would produce on this site:

 User error
Tracker not specified in param "boardTrackerId".


Plugin Kanban | Kanban



Information Version
Marc Laporte 36
Bruno Kambere 35
Xavier de Pedro 34
Bruno Kambere 33
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Improve the doc for manual setup 32
Benoit Grégoire 31
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added missing information about Column string tyoe (need to be numerical) 30
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 29
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added information to ease the initial setup 28
Aris Bernotas working Kanban board for tiki documentation moved to its own wiki page 27
Aris Bernotas 26
Aris Bernotas restore swapped fields. and added screenshot how plugin kanban should look when you use a kanban profile for tiki profiles. 25
Aris Bernotas swapped order and column fields. It should work now? 24
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 22
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 21
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 20
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 19
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte Copied some notes from Benoit, in chat log 10
Carsten Aevermann 9
Carsten Aevermann 8
Carsten Aevermann 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1