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History: PluginRemarksbox

Source of version: 15

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            ! Plugin Remarksbox
Displays a comment, tip, note or warning box

!! Usage
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE(ishtml=>1, wrap=>1)}
{REMARKSBOX(type="tip" title="Tip")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}

{pluginmanager plugin=remarksbox}

!!! Examples
This code shows the four possible types and example titles for each:

{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE(ishtml=>1, wrap=>1)}
{REMARKSBOX(type=>tip|comment|note|warning, title=>Tip|Comment|Note|Warning)}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
and would provide the following four results (if coded separately):

{REMARKSBOX(type=>"comment", title=>"Comment")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type="confirm" title="Confirm")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type="errors" title="Errors")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type="information" title="Information")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type="note" title="Note")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type=>"tip", title=>"Tip")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}
{REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Warning")}remarks text{REMARKSBOX}

-=Related pages=-
* ((Wiki Plugin))


Information Version
Torsten Fabricius fixed typo 21
Torsten Fabricius Fixed the Jumbotron (moved 1 subline into the Jumbotron) 20
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding sample with wiki syntax 19
luciash d' being 🧙 18
luciash d' being 🧙 17
lindon 16
Jean-Marc Libs 15
Jean-Marc Libs Remarks Box Plugin modified by editor. 14
Jean-Marc Libs Remarks Box Plugin modified by editor. 13
Jean-Marc Libs 12
Marc Laporte 11
Jürgen Heckes 9
Jürgen Heckes Plugin modified by editor. 8
lindon fix code plugin by adding ishtnl parameter 7
lindon fix code display by adding ishtml parameter 6
Jürgen Heckes 5
Jürgen Heckes 4
Jürgen Heckes 3
Jürgen Heckes 2
Jürgen Heckes 1