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History: Roundcube vs Cypht

Source of version: 21

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            Why did Tiki pick ((Cypht)) as a webmail solution instead of the more popular Roundcube?

Cypht is __the pluggable webmail of the PHP ecosystem__.

!! Roundcube vs Cypht
* Availability on Packagist
** No: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/5938
** Yes: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/311
* JMAP support
** No: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/5918
** Started: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/180
* Support for multiple accounts
** No: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/4972
** Yes: https://cypht.org/documentation.html

The two projects have a similar activity level:

About licensing: Cypht changed the license to be the same as Tiki, and thus easier to share code between Tiki and Cypht: https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/issues/333
LGPL 2.1 (vs GPL) also makes Cypht more pluggable.

The collaboration between Cypht and Tiki has similarities with [https://roundcubeinbox.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/the-kolab-story/|Roundcube and Kolab] (but started a decade later!). In recent years, much of the innovation in Roundcube is driven by Kolab. Similarly, as of 2023, the Tiki project is the main driver of innovation in Cypht.

When Tiki started with Cypht in 2019, some desired features were missing, but we added them. Ex.: Sieve filters, Blocking senders, Archive folders, Snooze emails, IMAP folder subscriptions, Delete attachments (but keep email), IMAP draft emails (instead of draft emails in browser sessions), etc. 

We also [https://github.com/cypht-org/cypht/pull/652|did on and off work on AutoCrypt].

See also:
* ((Cypht Integration status))


Information Version
Marc Laporte Oups, failed 38
Marc Laporte 37
Marc Laporte 36
Marc Laporte Hastymail started in 2008, Roundcube started in 2005. So in 2023, 3 years 35
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