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History: Tiki Manager Web UI

Source of version: 20

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            {REMARKSBOX(type="information" title="Information")}
2022-02: coming to ((Tiki25)): The standalone web interface will be deprecated and replaced by an interface within Tiki. And Tiki will be enhanced to better handle background jobs. See: ((Tiki Manager Package)){REMARKSBOX}

Tiki Manager Web Administration implements many of the features of ((Manager|Tiki Manager)), the console (command line) part and is designed to be easy and simple to use. While Tiki Manager is mature and well tested, the web interface is of beta quality (as of 2021-04). Some features are missing. And there can be timeouts, so you likely will have to tweak your server settings. Basically, if the web interface works for your requirements, great. If there are issues, just revert to the command line interface. If you are interested in improving this feature, please [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki-manager|join the community and contribute].

!!# Screenshots

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!!# Key features
!!!# Instances
!!!!# Create a new instance
To create a new instance, go to  __Instances → Create a new instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/create~/np~+-), fill in the fields on the server as shown in this example:

{img src="display1708" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Instance Create Step 1" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

Scroll down to Database Settings; it is necessary to have a user with administrative privileges in order to create users and databases:

{img src="display1707" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Instance Create Step 2" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!!# Import a Tiki instance
To import a Tiki instance, go to __Instances → Import a tiki instance__, once at (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/import~/np~+-), specify the path of the instance in the "Tiki Web root" field as shown in the example below:

{img src="display1705" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Import Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!!# Delete an instance
Deleting an instance is done by going to __Instances → Delete an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/delete~/np~+-), if you click on the  {icon name="times"} icon, confirm your action with a click on the “Delete” or the “Cancel” button to cancel it. Note that you do NOT delete your Tiki. The action just deletes the instance connection to Tiki Manager Web Administration.

{img src="display1713" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Delete Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!!# List Instances
All your instances are displayed at (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/list~/np~+-), __Instances → List instances__. On this page or on the home page, you can perform actions such as “Create a blank instance”, “Edit an instance”, “Fix an instance”, etc.

{img src="display1703" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration List Instances" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!# Manage
!!!!# Update an instance
Update an instance, by going to __Manage → Update an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/update~/np~+-), and then click on an instance, a modal will open and you will see a result like this:

{img src="display1709" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Update Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

This operation:
* Does a ''dry-run'' first, and aborts on any conflicts
* Updates to latest code in that branch (or trunk) using -+git pull+- or -+svn up+- and thus merging any changes
* And all operations should be done after updating the code
** Updates the file hashes accordingly. The hash verification/update may prompt with some files containing conflicts if modifications were made on the instance.
** Performs the database update.
** Runs setup and Composer,
** Clears cache
** Rebuilds search index

!!!!# Upgrade an instance
You can also upgrade your instance. For example to move from version 20.x to version 21.x. To do this, proceed as follows: __Manage → Upgrade an instance__, on the page (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/upgrade~/np~+-); select the source instance, then select the version to be upgraded, then click on the upgrade button. A modal will open to give you the upgrade report.

{img src="display1710" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Upgrade Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!!# Fix an instance
To fix the permissions of an instance with Tiki Manager Web Administration, proceed to __Manage → Fix an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/fix~/np~+-). On the list of your instances, set the instance of your choice by clicking on the {icon name="wrench"} button. This action is equivalent to running the command -+sh setup.sh+- using automated parameters.

!!!!# Watch an instance
Tiki Manager Web Administration allow you to check for anomalies in an instance, proceed to __Manage → Watch an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/watch~/np~+-). On the list of instances, click on the {icon name="eye-o"} button, a modal will appear to give you a report of the process.

!!!!# Clone an instance
If you want to create an identical copy of an instance, go to __Manage → Clone an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/clone~/np~+-). On the list of your instances, select the source instance, then the destination instance and click on the "clone" button. A modal will open to give you the clone report.

{img src="display1712" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Clone Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

Be very careful, when using another existing Tiki Instance, as the data here will be wiped and replaced by the data from the source instance.

!!!!# Clone and Upgrade an instance
You can also clone, create an exact copy of an instance and upgrade it simultaneously with Tiki Manager Web Administration. Like __Clone an instance__ with an extra upgrade operation. To do this, scroll down the "Manage" menu, click on "Clone and upgrade an instance", once on the page:
* Select the source instance, the one you want to clone and upgrade;
* Select the destination instance, the instance in which you want to clone and upgrade;
* Select the version to upgrade (e.g. 21.x)
* Click on the "Clone and Upgrade" button.

!!!# Backups
!!!!# Backup an instance
To backup an instance with Tiki Manager Web Administration, go to __Backups → Make a Backup__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/backup~/np~+-), and click on the relevant instance; a modal will open to show you the process and give a report.

The backup includes all files (using ''rsync'' for efficient bandwidth management) on remote host (including user files and files stored out of the web root) and a dump of the database. Each backup is archived in the -+backup/archive+- folder as a -+.tar.bz2+- file, where Tiki Manager is installed.
The backup file contains:
* -+manifest.txt+-: Indicates where folders were located on the remote host
* -+database_dump.sql+-: Self-explanatory
* -+~np~[a-f0-9]{32}~/np~+-: Folders named using a hash. Content of the folders on remote host. The -+manifest.txt+- file lists these hashes.

!!!!# Restore an instance
Go to __Backups → Restore an instance__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/backup~/np~+-), once the instances are listed:
* Select instance do you want to restore from;
* Select the backup do you want to restore;
* Select the instance do you want to restore to;
* Click on the "Restore" button.
A modal will open and give you the report of the restore.

{img src="display1714" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Restore Instance" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!!# Manage backups
With Tiki Manager Web Administration, manage (list, delete) the backups of your instances, you can find them by going to __Backups → Manage Backups__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/manage~/np~+-), click on an instance to access the list of backups.

{img src="display1711" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Manage Backups" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!# Help
!!!!# Check requirements
__Help → Check requirements__, (e.g -+~np~http://example.org/check~/np~+-), allows you to get a list of Tiki Manager Web Administration requirements.

{img src="display1706" alt="Tiki Manager Web Administration Check Requirements" thumb="zoombox" stylebox="border"}

!!!# How to update access credentials (username/password)
To update the username and password, edit the config.php file that is located at the root of the web interface files.
Please note that reinstalling the web interface on the same exact folder, will not prompt for access credentials if the config.php file is found.

!!!# Too many invalid login attempts
If you get a message "Login is temporarily disabled, please contact an administrator to unlock the login process.", see ((Manager|#webmanager:block| webmanager:block --reset))


Information Version
Marc Laporte 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte 21
Marc Laporte 20
Torsten Fabricius added plugin img parameter stylebox="border" for better visibility 19
Torsten Fabricius Changed initial boxes to Remarksbox plus plain text to make use of auto-Jumbotron (sort of a doc.tiki.org specific setup) 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte Lowering expectations 15
Marc Laporte 14
Adrien 13
Adrien 12
Jorge Sá Pereira Update the documentation on how to update access credentials 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
luciash d' being 🧙 8
Adrien 7
Adrien 6
Adrien 5
Adrien 4
Adrien 3
Adrien 2
Adrien Creating page 1