History: Tiki11
Source of version: 66
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{include page="SVN deprecation notice"} ! Tiki11 ^To check all the commits in this branch, see: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/branches/11.x/changelog.txt^ Tiki 11 was initially planned for April 2013 although it was finally released in July 2013. It will be supported until version 12.1 is released, as of ((info:Version lifecycle)). Like ((Tiki10)), the requirements are PHP 5.3.x If you require pre-5.3 support, you can use ((Tiki9)) which is a ((Long Term Support)) version. Alphabetically sorted !!# Advanced Ratings * Various enhancements to ((tw:Dogfood)) ((dev:Ease Importance Priority)) !!# Check (improvements) Added check for WinCache ByteCode Cache in tiki-check. See ((Server check)) !!# Comments * [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=44059|Allow comments to be edited by the author during a grace period after initial post] {ANAME()}Composer{ANAME} !!# Composer added to manage external libraries This has no impact on Tiki users but makes things better for developers. See https://dev.tiki.org/Composer , and the section called "[#Upgrades]" below, for more information. !!# Console Tiki Console is to administer your Tiki instance via the command line. It is based on [http://symfony.com/doc/master/components/console/introduction.html|Symfony's Console Component]. It can handle * Tiki install, configure, update ** the equivalent to the former command 'php installer/shell.php' * Profile install and forget * Clear caches * Rebuild Search cache * ... See ((Console)) !!# elFinder See [#Management_with_elFinder] !!# File Galleries !!!# Management with elFinder File galleries allow using a new more visual way to manage files and folders, with drag and drop features within the file galleries, and also from a local desktop and the tiki file gallery. {img src="display835" link="display835" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} For more information, see ((File Gallery)) & ((elFinder)) !!# Gravatar Add option to use Gravatar for all user avatars: ((Gravatar)) !!# Google Analytics * ((Google Analytics)) is now a pref so you no longer need to use ((PluginGoogleAnalytics)) !!# Kaltura See [#Video] below !!# Machine Translation * Support updated for Google Translate version 2 (v1 is no longer free) * Added support for Bing Translator !!# Mail * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44763|Replace by htmlMailMime by Zend_Mail implementation] !!# Modules Now possible to hard code modules and module zones in templates {CODE(caption="Displays all of the modules within a zone")}{modulelist zone=top} {CODE} {CODE(caption="Allows to hard-code the parameters of a module in a template")}{module module="search" title="xyz" ...}{CODE} This is useful for easy sync of Dev, Test, Prod : ((dev:Configuration Management)) * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44270|Allow for user-defined module zones] * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44271|ModuleList wiki plugin to display custom module zones in pages] * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44024|Allow to include module lists in a template using a smarty plugin] * http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/28929 !!!# Module freetags_most_popular improved There a new parameter to select type of object (wiki page, blog post, article, file gallery, etc) in module freetags_most_popular. !!!# Module last_youtube_playlist_videos improved The module accepts the param "orderby" to indicate the sorting order of the videos in the playlist shown, and its default came back to 'position', which is the official default by youtube. See ((Module last_youtube_playlist_videos)) !!!# Module to list top bloggers Module to list top bloggers !!# OpenPGP ((OpenPGP)) supported added. !!# Override of memory and time limits for certain operations * http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/43870 * http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/43907 !!# Payment Example templates to create a basic, but functional, shopping site with Tiki 11. Used by the TikiKart profile, finally working! (this is all still very experimental, still need to add custom search and lots more...) !!# Rating ((Advanced rating)) can read categories and tracker item fields. !!# Replacing rewrite rules with a routing file * http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44661/ !!# Search * Search stats support for unified search !!# Session collision protection * http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/45249/ !!# Setup.sh See the sections called "[#Composer]" above and "[#Upgrades]" below, for more information. !!# Themes !!!# Updated in mods: many Andreas08, Andreas09, CandiiClouds, Club Card, Faulkner, Fluid Index, Green Blog, Judy, Kubrick, LiteJazz, Milkyway, Mittwoch, Mollio, Planetfall, Smooth, Tikipedia, Twenty Ten, Underground, !!!# New: Greenvalley New theme kind of nature working fine also with rtl languages. !!!# New: Uthopias New Utopias theme & options another, attainable, foundation, greycard, north, spaces, writer. !!!# New: Horizons option in teal frmo jqui New: jqui - Horizons option in teal !!# Trackers !!!# Inline editing There is a new feature in trackers to allow Inline editing of items (using ajax_inline_edit), from the list of displayed items. Once enabled, the list can be edited from the tracker item listing itself. You will see this icon {img src="img/icons/database_lightning.png"} next to each value that can be edited inline. {img src="display852" link="display852" width="600" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} In addition, lists of items generated from ((PluginTrackerList)) or from ((PluginTrackerFilter)) can be editable also if the corresponding new param "editable" (with the list of fields to be editable) or "editableall=y" are used: {img src="display853" link="display853" width="600" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} For more information, see ((Tracker Inline edit)) !!!# List Trackers: added autocomplete to the find field * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/45462|List Trackers: added autocomplete to the find field] !!!# Tracker Fields: Kaltura * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44723|Kaltura tracker field to attach media to tracker items] !!!# Tracker Fields: Math New 'Math' tracker field added to calculate a value from the other fields.-> ((Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field)) !!!# Tracker forms enhanced with library 'Chosen' You can choose a value from a dropdown box by selecting the items in the list through scrolling down, as usual, or you can nowadays filter the list values based on the text you type at the top. {img src="display809" link="display809" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} Similary, section to allow multiple selection of items can be shown in a small but enhanced dropdown box, which allows the user to select one or many of the options, remove then from the list in the text field at the top: {img src="display810" link="display810" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} Additionally, you can also filter the values displayed in the dropdown so that only those matching your typed text are shown in the list (only the ones starting with "D" in the example below: Documentation and Dogfood a *.tiki.org site. {img src="display811" link="display811" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} See ((Improve Tracker Forms)) !!# Translations !!!# Custom JavaScript translations [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44525/|Custom JavaScript translations: You can place a file at lang/xx/custom.js for your language with any custom translation for the JavaScript related messages, even if it could contain any valid JavaScript] !!!# Bing Translate support Added Bing Translate support for machine translation !!# Video * [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44723|Kaltura tracker field to attach media to tracker items] * Kaltura plugin allows to display videos with an html5 player, so that they can be viewed with some browsers in standard smartphones (tested as ok in Firefox on Android, and Safari on iPhone). !!# Wiki !!!# Flagged Revisions Many enhancements, including batch approval and reporting on status of ((Flagged Revisions)). !!# Wiki Plugins !!!# New: Plugin ListExecute See ((PluginListExecute)) !!!# New: PluginPref Simple plugin to allow global preference check and display content depending on the condition. See ((PluginPref)) !!!# Enhanced: Plugin TrackerList & TrackerFilter There is a new feature in trackers to allow Inline editing of items (using ajax_inline_edit), from the list of displayed items. Once enabled, you can use some new params in these plugins, to allow some displayed fields to be editable (param "editable", with the list of fields to be editable), or the whole list of displayed items (with param "editableall=y") See ((PluginTrackerList)) or ((PluginTrackerFilter)) for more information. {ANAME()}Upgrade{ANAME}{ANAME()}Upgrading{ANAME}{ANAME()}Upgrades{ANAME} !! ** Upgrades ** !!! Things to watch out for * ((dev:Composer)) Many externals have not yet been moved to Composer * ((dev:URL Rewriting Revamp)) * ((dev:CKEditor4)) * jQuery, jQueryUI and jQuery Mobile to be updated to the latest stable versions. * ((dev:elFinder)) is optional but it could affect some things in File Gallery * Blog posts with content containing HTML may not display properly after upgrading - place the blog post content within ((PluginHTML)) to solve this issue. PluginHTML needs to be approved - if you are converting many blog posts go to __tiki-plugins.php__ to approve in bulk. !!!! Composer When installing or updating through subversion, some external libraries are nowadays handled differently (using "composer"): {img src="display795" link="display795" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} This also means that you might have to install some extra packages such as -+php5-gmp php-compat+- in your server (or request to have them installed for your), for optimal work by phpseclib. Otherwise, you might see this type of message: {QUOTE()} phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing ext-gmp (Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.) phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing pear-pear/PHP_Compat (Install PHP_Compat to get phpseclib working on PHP >= 4.3.3.) {QUOTE} You can install them in Debian-based server (adapt to your OS if different) with a command like: {CODE(colors="shell" caption="Command in a console")} sudo apt-get install php5-gmp php-compat {CODE} To install on Mac OSX (Moutain Lion 10.8) it have to be tricked a little bit as Mac OSX Unix doesn't come with some basic command we usually use (like apt-get or wget, etc). You can install ((http://www.macports.org/|MacPorts)) (xcode will be required too, follow the install guide) to get usual set of command required to install what Composer need. Then you'll be able to do: {CODE(colors="shell" caption="Command in a Mac Terminal once MacPorts in installed")} sudo port install php5-gmp sudo port install php5-mcrypt {CODE} It is also required you install PEAR php_compat. (since Mac OSX 10.5) {CODE(colors="shell" caption="Command in a Mac Terminal once MacPorts in installed to check and install PEAR/PHP_COMPAT")} which pear (to check anyway if it is installed) sudo wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar {CODE} You should have no more worries installing Tiki and Composer stuff on Mac OSX. -=Pages linking to Tiki11=- {backlinks} -=Alias names for this page=- (alias(Tiki11.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki11)) | (alias(TikiWiki11.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 11.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 11)) | (alias(Tiki 11)) | (alias(Tiki 11.0))