History: Tiki23
Source of version: 53
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{include page="SVN deprecation notice"} ! {{page}} Tiki 23.0 was [https://tiki.org/article482-Tiki-23-now-available|released in August 2021]. It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until ((Tiki24|Tiki 24.1)) LTS is released as per ((tw:Versions|the Tiki lifecycle policy)) !# New Features and Improvements ''(alphabetically sorted)'' !!# Composer v2 * We [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/785/diffs|moved] to ((Composer)) v2. https://blog.packagist.com/composer-2-0-is-now-available/ !!# Diagrams from templates New options were added to wikiplugin ((PluginDiagram|Diagram)): * template, which points to a -+fileId+- (of a diagram) that will be used as template. * -+galleryId+-, which by default allows to set the gallery where to save the diagram file * -+fileName+-, which can be used to set a specific file name The use case is when one or more variations need to be made based on an original diagram. The diagram can be edited and saved as the variation without affecting the original, such as when the page of the original diagram is fetched with ((PluginInclude)) and then the diagram is edited on the including page. See also [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/763]. !!# Email folders Tracker field * ((Email folders Tracker Field)) !!# GlitchTip Error tracking * ((GlitchTip)) !!# HybridAuth integration https://hybridauth.github.io/ is coming via https://gitlab.com/arilect/tiki/-/commits/socnets {img src="display1768" link="display1768" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} !!# Machine Learning Machine Learning has been added to Tiki23 as a built-in (but optional) feature, using the Rubix ML library, which provides 40+ supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. Therefore, you will be able to create Machine leaning (ML) models from within Tiki itself, train against data stored in trackers and query models. See ((Machine Learning)) !!# Mentions User ''mentions'' extended from wiki pages only (as in Tiki 22.x) to all wiki text areas ''(comments, forum and blog posts, tracker fields etc)'' with an autocomplete menu to select users after typing a -+@+- character followed by the beginning of a user's name. !!# Menu system Major upgrade to ((Menu)) system with [https://www.smartmenus.org/]. Smartmenus extend standard Bootstrap menus by improving menu behavior in smaller displays, and enabling deeper menu hierarchies and mega menus. (Images and other non-link content in mega menus will be added soon.) See also [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/752]. Configuration note: For a vertical Bootstrap menu with Smartmenus activated, input "navbar navbar-expand-lg" in the "CSS class(es) for the menu nav element" field under the "Module" tab when assigning/editing the menu on the Admin Modules page. !!# Module zones A new module zone called "Admin" has been introduced in the "__Control Panels > Modules > Admin__ (tab)". That displays the modules that are shown in the new [#Unified_Admin_Backend_UI|Unified Admin Backend UI] > __Dashboard__. See ((Module zones)) !!# ODBC Added Open Database Connectivity support to ((Tracker Tabular)). This allows to add ODBC remote sources with read/write support -- instead of importing from or exporting to CSV, which gives the system the ability to import from and export to a remote ODBC-accessible schema table. See ((ODBC)). !!# OpenID Connect OpenID Connect is an authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0, an authorization framework. The standard is controlled by the OpenID Foundation. See ((OpenID Connect)). !!# Previews Previews of content to be saved have been added (optionally) to comments, and preview functionality has been improved for forum posts, and hopefully more coming by the time of the 23.0 release. !!# PSR-12 Tiki adopted the PSR-12 and converted all the code base to it: https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-12/ This would be very difficult with a [https://pluginproblems.com/|fragmented code base with ton of plugins]. But thanks to Tiki's ((tw:model)), this was relatively easy. And it happens all in one version. __N.B.__ Part of this involved changing from indenting with tabs to spaces, which was done for all file types (i.e. PHP, Smarty and JavaScript) !!# Record screen/audio/video A new feature "RecordRTC" was added to record the screen activity. See: ((Record screen audio video)) !!# Scheduler A new preference was added to allow delaying all scheduled tasks to run some minutes after it was supposed to. It's useful for cloned instances, avoiding all schedulers to run at the same time See ((Scheduler)) Related commit: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/77631 !!# Select2 https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen is deprecated so we moved the whole code base to https://select2.org/ Over 200 files changed: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/723 All done in one version. This is doable because we have a centralized code-based. Systems with thousands of plugins are unable to do such migrations: https://pluginproblems.com/Modules-Extensions !!# Sitemap ((Sitemap)): replaced deprecated [https://packagist.org/packages/evert/sitemap-php|sitemap-php] by [https://packagist.org/packages/melbahja/seo|melbahja/seo] !!# Snapshot This is a (still experimental) List Execute action that enables scraping a webpage and saving the content as a wiki page. Details at [http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/78296]. !!# System Trackers There is a new section in __Control Panels > Trackers > 'System Trackers'__ (bottom of the page). The first one available is the __Exchange rates tracker__. You can enable it, select which one it is, select the corresponding fields (Currency, Rate, Date) and also the conversion logic (if the rates are entered straight or reverse pairs). An important update here is removal of the Currency Tracker selection in the Currency field options. We no longer need or want to use that from the field properties as we have a system tracker now. The important part for those of you managing Currency fields is to go to Trackers settings page and configure the system tracker fields. See ((System Trackers)) !!# Themes Three new themes have been added -- Morph, Quartz, and Vapor. These MIT-licensed themes by [https://bootswatch.com|Bootswatch] have been slightly modified and extended for Tiki. !!# Unified Admin Backend UI New "Unified Admin Backend" preference along with a new Admin UI theme was designed, integrated and introduced in Tiki 23 to make the Admin Control Panels easier to use and navigate. We hope it brings more intuitive way to Tiki newcomers to administer and set up their Tiki. As usual it is completely optional. It can be enabled/disabled on the __Look & Feel__ Control Panel and will be enabled by default for fresh new Tiki 23 installations. This evolved from https://dev.tiki.org/Administration-UX-and-Control-Panels-re-organization revamp. !!# Web Monetization ((Web Monetization)) ((PluginCoil)) https://community.webmonetization.org/tikiilp/tiki-ilp-integration-and-monetization-grant-report-1-2b4a !!# Module List A simple wrapper for ((PluginList)) as a module - arrived in [https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/7a57deaa|7a57deaa] !!# Wiki Plugins New or improved. !!!# PluginAutoTOC ((PluginAutoTOC)) !!!# PluginGanttChart Improved. Added gantt items duplication within same tracker See ((PluginGanttChart)) !!!# PluginQR New plugin. Generate QR codes in your wiki pages easily with ((PluginQR)) !!!# PluginSignature New plugin. It allows to draw a signature and save it as an image, stored within the plugin content as image/png base64. See ((PluginSignature)). !!# Removal !!!# Image gallery After years being deprecated (https://dev.tiki.org/Endangered-features) the image gallery was definitely removed from Tiki23. (https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/c6454958) !!!# BiDi's (right to left) leftovers were removed. !# General upgrade notes Also, see the standard information about ((Upgrade|Upgrades)) in Tiki. !!# If you are upgrading from SVN or Git Before switching to branch 23+ You need to update to at least the following: * From 20.x: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/3135426215d81fddebfb8fd8b52cc5b40ef3b73e * From 21.x: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/669f740b0155e2d92418e37bcecf93851c8f9ec6 * From 22.x: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commit/21d0a822869f07458b282dfc7ef6edcea773d53a And run sh setup.sh !# Related -=Pages linking to this one=- {backlinks noheader=1} Alias names for this page: (alias(Tiki 23))