History: Tiki8
Source of version: 108
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{include page="SVN deprecation notice"} ^{img src=img/icons/information.png alt="Information" align=left} Because ((tw:ReleaseNotes8.0|Tiki 8.0)) was removed from download immediately after being released, Tiki 8.1 represents the first general release of the Tiki 8.x branch.^ ! Tiki8 Tiki 8.1 was released on November 11th, 2011 ^To check all the commits in this branch, see: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/branches/8.x/changelog.txt^ http://info.tiki.org/article182-Tiki-8-1-Now-Available-End-of-Life-for-Tiki-7-x For Release notes, see: http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes8.1#Known_Issues (__especially if you are upgrading by copying over all files__) For dev-related notes, please see dev:((dev:Tiki8)). ~~grey:''(alphabetically sorted)''~~ !!# Administration !!!# Filtering basic and advanced preferences As the ((tw:FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features)), a historical challenge with Tiki has been the learning curve associated with having so many preferences (features, settings, options). [http://tiki.org/Model#Feature-creep|People tend to want all the features __they use__ but without the overhead of all the features __they don't use__]. Since Tiki covers so many ((tw:Use Cases)) and since it's a community-managed projects, it's not feasible to reduce the overall number of features (imagine the endless debates). [http://lifehacker.com/5052851/information-overload-is-filter-failure-says-shirky|Paraphrasing Clay Shirky, the solvable problem is not feature overload, it's better filters]. A few versions ago, a preference search engine (used to find features in the admin panel) has made people very happy. Taking this a step further, preferences can now be tagged as basic, advanced, new and experimental, and this permits the admin to filter. By using the "basic" filter, new admins will see only a small portion of preferences, but the most commonly used one. This will ease the learning curve. {img src="img/icons/help.png" alt="Documentation" imalign="left"} See [http://doc.tiki.org/Admin+Home&structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide|"Admin Home"] for details. !!!# Wiki pictures moving tool On the __Admin: Wiki__ page, you can use the __Move images from wiki_up to the home file gallery__ button to move all of the files in your __img/wiki_up/__ directory to the default (home) File Galley. Tiki updates all wiki pages with ~np~{img fileId}~/np~ syntax (where __fileId__ is the ID of the file in the File Gallery) and deletes each file from the __img/wiki_up/__ directory. {img src="img/icons/information.png" alt="Information" imalign="left"} Note: You should backup your database (or file directory) of your File Gallery and the contents of the __img/wiki_up/__ directory ''before'' using this feature. {img src="img/icons/help.png" alt="Documentation" imalign="left"} See [http://doc.tiki.org/Wiki+Features&structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide|"Wiki Features Tab"] for details. !!!# MediaWiki importer * Updated to support 0.5 version of XML !!!# Connect ((Connect)) allows you to communicate what you think about Tiki's features back to the community. (see Jonny or Marc for questions) {img src="img/icons/help.png" alt="Documentation" imalign="left"} See ((Connect)) for details. !!# BigBlueButton update Added support for version 0.8, including Record/Playback. The Wiki plugin has a new argument to enable recording of the rooms. When made available by BigBlueButton after the meeting, the recordings will be listed below the plugin. !!# Comments !!!# New interface A new AJAX comments interface has been deployed, allowing for lighter page loads and faster moderation. The new comment interface is also used for tracker comments, which are no longer an independent feature. !!!# Akismet Akismet ((Spam protection)) is now available for comments. http://akismet.com/ !!#Daily reports Daily reports was extended to cover calendar and tracker items, as well as their comments. Moreover, default text from the reports of the message can be currently sent in user language if it that text has been translated in the corresponding language.php file. !!# File Galleries !!!# Upload from URL Allows to upload a file in file galleries through a URL instead of uploading it from disk. Tiki will pull the file and attach the source as a property on the file. The file can be refreshed periodically from the source. Archives will be created as required. Cache-control headers are respected to avoid excessive work on the remote host. !!!# WebODF "WebODF is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to add [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument|Open Document Format (ODF)] support to your website and to your mobile or desktop application. It uses HTML and CSS to display ODF documents." http://webodf.org/ WebODF has been added to ((Tiki8)) as a new feature, called __Tiki Docs__ Please see: ((Docs)). !!!# Draw Introduced in Tiki7, ((Draw)) is much improved in Tiki8. It can be full page or page-sized. !!!# SCORM Support ((SCORM)) is a package format for Learning Management Systems. Initial handling of those packages was included, namely the creation of a tracker item based on the meta-data stored in the file to allow for package management. More improvements are expected in the future. {img src="img/icons/help.png" alt="Documentation" imalign="left"} See ((SCORM tab)) for details. !!# Internationalisation !!!# UTF-8 support improved Several fixes have been done to the handling of non-English characters in wiki pages (and in the editor in general). !!!# German translation complete Tiki 8 now features a 100% complete translation to German, thanks to the work of Gregor Adamczyk and others from Tiki's German community. !!# Maps * Added support for Google Street View !!# Permissions Refactoring which provide various benefits * Put most used permissions at the top * Global-only permissions no longer listed when assigning permissions to categories * Object permissions now include related permissions like comments, modify categories and other permissions that could only be set globally in previous versions !!!# New permission to switch between WYSIWYG and Wiki There is a new permission to allow switching between wiki and WYSIWYG modes while editing (__tiki_p_edit_switch_mode__) It is to prevent non-tecchie users to switch between the editors and get mixed or unfinished markup in pages if they don't know what they are doing, since the conversion is not perfect. You can find this permission under "permissions > tiki" (the very last perm in 8.x) !!# Plugins: New and improved !!!# Plugin Custom Search See ((PluginCustomSearch)) !!!# Plugin Dialog It creates jQuery-UI dialogs in wiki syntax. See ((PluginDialog)) !!!# Plugin Draw Permits to embed a drawing in a wiki page. Tiki Draw is the integration of [http://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/|SVG-edit] starting in ((Tiki7)). See ((PluginDraw)) !!!# Plugin Slider This plugin is very similar to both ((PluginTabs)) and ((PluginCarousel)) in what it does to content, the main difference is both the user interface and what it can display. PluginSlider can handle wiki syntax within itself, it can display text, images, video, flash, basically anything... See ((PluginSlider)) !!!# Plugin Timeline It displays a timeline See ((PluginTimeline)) !!# Profiles Tracker fields can be enabled/disabled by a tiki site admin. Therefore, new preferences are available to indicate such preference. Some of them are disabled by default, and if you were using them in your profile objects, then you need to define them as new preferences enabled. Example to be added just below "__feature_trackers: y__": {CODE()} trackerfield_file: y trackerfield_files: y trackerfield_dropdownother: y{CODE} !!# Programmer & Integrator Toys !!!# Internal events Tiki now emits internal events that customizers can hook on to attach special behaviors instead of modifying the code directly. Events are currenltly available in at least wiki pages and tracker items. See ((dev:blogpost20)). !!!# Smarty 3 The very first version of Tiki (October 2002) was using Smarty v2.2. Tiki 7 used a newer Smarty version, but is still using Smarty 2. In November 2011, Tiki8 was released with [http://www.smarty.net/v3_overview|Smarty 3]. Smarty is a fundamental part of Tiki and in Tiki7, there are over 800 template files using the Smarty format. An upgrade of a software project integrated for over 8 years and covering hundreds of files: this is not to be taken lightly! Special thanks to [http://logidee.com/|Stéphane Casset] who led the upgrade and to all the community members that helped out with testing and debugging. And of course, a big thank you to [http://mohrt.blogspot.com/|Monte Ohrt], Uwe Tews and the Smarty community. Among the benefits, administrators entering Smarty code in user modules or pretty trackers will be able to do the changes without fear. Syntax errors will be caught gracefully and reported. Please note that Smarty 3 is not fully backward compatible with Smarty 2, so if you are upgrading from a previous Tiki version and you have custom template files you might have to update them manually. Check the list of [http://smarty-php.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/distribution/SMARTY_2_BC_NOTES.txt|Smarty 3 known incompatibilities with Smarty 2]. !!!# Webservices Tiki now provides a series of web services for various components. The JSON services are used internally to handle the AJAX requests, but can also be called externally. Check out the various controllers under lib/core/Services/. !!!# 960 Grid System [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/styles/960_gs/960_16_col.css?view=markup|960_16_col.css] http://960.gs/ !!!# Style external links [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=35121|Include the external token as a class on external links] !!# Referer stats Tiki now stores the last exact URL of each URL and allow to click in tiki-referer_stats.php to open the URL in a new page. Before you was able to see : www.tikiwiki.org 12134 15h25 Now you can click on www.tikiwiki.org and go to the exact last URL inside the site, for example http://www.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=foo. This feature, allows to retrieve the location of your site in the referer, to read the comment about your site in a forum, page etc ... {img src="img/icons/help.png" alt="Documentation" imalign="left"} See ((Referer Stats)) for details. !!# Search enhancements !!!# Search results: Export as an RSS or Atom feed This is done respecting HTTP Accept headers http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=35006 !!!# Plugin Custom Search * ((PluginCustomSearch)) !!!# Indexing improvements Small adjustments were made to the indexing to better cover the data. * Relations are now indexed, which allows to filter based on data in the new tracker relations field, semantic links, user favorites * When using the files tracker field type, the content of the attached files are indexed with the tracker item * Tracker fields are now indexed differently based on the field type * Forum posts and replies are now indexed independently * Comment count is indexed with the object !!!# Internal result cache Results for the same query are cached internally until the index is modified, speeding up frequent requests and pagination. The total amount of results is now limited to a configured value. The full amount of results is provided as an estimate, refined search is required to access all results. !!# Staging & Approval Removed The ((Staging and Approval)) feature was removed from the codebase after being replaced by ((Flagged Revisions)) in the previous version. Users of staging and approval should approve or reject all of the content before upgrading and set-up flagged revision approval after upgrade. If not done before the upgrade, the staging pages will be left as-is to be handled manually. !!# System Administration !!!# HTTP Proxy credentials In addition to specifying the HTTP proxy host and port, the proxy username and password can now be specified in the configuration. !!!# HTTP Source Authentication The administrator of a site can now specify credentials to use when accessing a remote HTTP source. This allows for any file access on a given domain to be provided with credentials. For example, fetching files from a URL in file galleries and RSS feeds benefit from this feature. The configurations are accessible from ((Admin DSN)). !!!# IIS: improved support Previous problems with file loading under IIS are resolved (when the URL Rewrite module is not installed). The SEFURL should now work OK on IIS. The SEFURL panel now also warns if the web.config file is outdated. !!!# InnoDB: Preliminary support Tiki now offers as an experimental option to install in InnoDB tables, rather than MyISAM tables. InnoDB uses row level locking which may improve performance for some sites. It is also "crash proof". With InnoDB, manual fixing of tables should be a thing of the past. This implementation does not yet use the full power of InnoDB (foreign keys and transactions). !!!# Newsletter throttling Check the performance admin panel !!!# System configuration system for large deployment farms * ((System Configuration)) !!!# IPv6 * All tables are low adapted to deal with IPv6 !!# Tracker improvements !!!# Clone remote tracker & synchronize Allows to clone a tracker from an other instance and replicate the data. Locally added items can be pushed to the source and the data can be reloaded on demand. For more information, see ((Tracker Synchronization)). !!!# Tracker Fields: New Administration The administration for tracker fields was completely rewritten to improve user experience. New features include: * Drag & Drop sorting of fields * Some properties are editable directly from the list * Dialog to add new fields with automatic list refreshing * Editing field options is done via separate fields, providing for hints and value selectors when available. Moreover, tracker fields can now be enabled/disabled by a tiki site admin. Therefore, new preferences are available to indicate such choice through the Tracker Admin panel. Some of the tracker fields are disabled by default, and if you were using them in your profile objects, then you need to define their corresponding preferences to have them enabled in order to upgrade your profiles to work with Tiki 8. For more information, see the section [#Profiles|Profiles] in this page. !!!# Tracker Admin: New interface Complete redesign of the interface to organize the options in a logical way. !!!# New Tracker Field: Files New tracker field allowing to upload files into file galleries and to attach them to the tracker item. The content of the attached files will be indexed along with the tracker item in the ((Search and List from Unified Index)). The new field type makes extensive use of HTML5 to allow multiple file upload through the browse controls or through drag & drop. Upload progress is also provided for each file as they are sent. !!!# New Tracker Field: Relations New field type to link with other objects in tiki using a qualifier. Those relations are being indexed in unified search and also accessible through ((PluginRelations)). See ((Relations Tracker Field)) ^::{img fileId="679" thumb="y" width="500" link="PluginRelations"}::^ !!!# New Tracker Field: Multiselect New field type allowing users to select multiple values out of a selected set of options, similar to dropdown. !!!# Tracker Permissions The handling of tracker permissions was altered to provide more predictable results. The permissions and configrations remain the same, but the interpretation order may now be slightly altered. Additionally, tracker items will also obtain permissions from categories assigned to them. The complete check order for item permissions looks like this: # Ownership related permissions # Item permissions coming from categories # Tracker permissions assigned on the tracker itself # Tracker permissions assigned to the tracker's categories # Global permissions Following these, per-field rules are also checked, based on the visibility, visible by and editable by configurations. The following principles apply: * You can't view a field unless you can view the item * You can't edit a field unless you can edit the item * You can't edit a field unless you can view the field !!!# Improvements on tracker field options Dropdown, Multiselect, Dropdown with other and radiobuttons now allow to define a label other than the value. Example: 1=1 - Low priority,2,3,3,4,5=5 - High priority Tiki will store the numeric values only, labels will only appear in the input field or when rendering the value. Because the 3 is duplicate, it will be selected by default (not a new feature). !!!# Tracker reports See: tiki-tracker_reports.php For more information, see ((Tracker Reports)). !!# User favorites [http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=35285|Allow users to mark their favorite objects] !! Upgrade notes Besides reading the general ((Upgrade)) notes, keep in mind also that ((Tiki7)) introduced several major changes from prior versions. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as: * ((Tiki7)), especially http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki7#Upgrade_notes * ((Tiki6)) * ((Tiki5)) * ((Tiki4)) * ((Tiki3)) If you were using trackers in your [http://profiles.tiki.org|Tiki configuration profiles], beware of the changes in the tracker fields. See the section [#Profiles|Profiles] earlier in this page. !!! Steps Remember these steps if you are upgrading from a previous version up to 8. # Read the general [http://doc.tiki.org/Upgrade&structure=Tiki+Installation+Guide|Upgrade] notes, if you haven't done so in the last few years. # Remember to run setup.sh again (if you have console access). # Beware of changes in modules and their management: + [http://dev.tiki.org/Modules+Revamp] # Check these two pages for notes specific on upgrading your theme style: ** [https://themes.tiki.org/Upgrading] ** [https://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules] + Keep in mind that your Custom site header might be gone, in which case you'll need to manually re-do it using module management. + + In other cases, custom top bar code or other custom sections you had coded in __Admin Home > Look & Feel > General Layout Options__ might be misplaced. If so, go to __Admin > Modules__ and set the proper order of the modules (see [http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+header+modules|Theme Header Modules] for more information on the proper order for header modules). # You might need to re-approve some of your plugin calls. + Go to http://example.org/__tiki-plugins.php__ as admin and approve them all (after revision, if needed, as always) -=Pages linking to Tiki8=- {backlinks} -=Alias=- (alias(Tiki8.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki8)) | (alias(TikiWiki8.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 8.0)) | (alias(TikiWiki 8))