History: module svnup
Preview of version: 13
Module SVN Up info
This module stands and falls with a script "svnup.sh" in the directory doc/devtools/ of your tiki installation. It is originally intended to be run as cron job as it says in the heading comment of the script and as it contains also the command to update your installation.
sh doc/devtools/svnup.sh
If everything set up correctly it shows a line such as:
Last update from SVN(4.1): Monday 21 December, 2009 07:05:20 UTC - REV 23971
If something like v8.0beta (SVN) suffices you can use the version option of the module poweredby.
Ref: dev:Update
Using TortoiseSVN 1.7 or higher
(Fixed for Tiki 10)
TortoiseSVN 1.7 changed the way the SVN client stores the meta information. An SQLite database is now used to store the information. To access this information the "sqlite3" PHP extension must be enabled.
When using TortoiseSVN 1.7 or higher, the SVN detail information is only displayed when the PHP extenstion sqlite3 is enabled.