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Author Coffeeshop

Workflow Documentation and Forums

posts: 8 United States

Below is a thread that xavi suggested I post here for feedback. It is the contents of a couple of back and forth private messages regarding Workflow documentation and forums. Just for ease of reading, I'll put a mini-index in here to separate the topics...

I look forward to your comments!

Table of contents

    kerrnel22's Original Message re: Galaxia Documentation


    I'd written a documentation proposal in the spring for Galaxia on the workflow.tw.o site http://workflow.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Documentation and was wondering if anyone on the Editorial Board had seen it or had any considerations for the Workflow stuff.

    I was reading through the July meeting notes and there were no items under Workflow. As a potential (more than potential, really) user of Galaxia, I'd like to see more documentation. Having said that, I am also prepared to write some of it if necessary, but there are no clear guidelines on where it would belong. I would assume that basic setup would reside on doc.tw.o, while the inner workings would live on workflow.tw.o, but who's to say.

    Galaxia has huge potential and I don't think it's even scratching the surface because of the lack of documentation. Could you guys address this during your next editorial board meeting?



    xavi's Response

    Hi Mike:

    In my opinion, you are very right. And I would suggest the same you said: doc.tw.o for the basics, and workflow.tw.o for the more advanced.

    Summer time is not the bet time for editorial board meetings, so go ahead improving documentation wherever you feel your document should reside. We are always in time of moving documents in a later stage if needed.

    I might be a potential user of galaxia if I ever get to believe that it's not too much complicated to use it (and no php skills are needed).



    kerrnel22's Follow-up with Forum Questions

    Unfortunately it looks like PHP is needed (at least to design the flows), but it doesn't look as complicated as it seems at first glance. As I go, I'll write some documentation and see where things end up, thanks!

    Also, I noted on the workflow web page that assistance was needed porting forum posts to what I gather are potential forums on the workflow site? Is that still the intention, or will support revert back to the dev and doc sites? Part of the impetus for me to do up documentation is to eliminate a lot of the circular references that make trying to find support for the feature frustrating. If setting up forums on the workflow site is the desired direction, I'd be happy to volunteer some of my time on that. As it is, I think a lot of the old posts are so old as to be irrelevant for the most part if the documentation is updated. My $0.02 😊

    Thanks for the quick response!


    xavi's Response

    Hi Mike:

    {...} I would suggest you to post this full thread, if you wish, on doc.tw.o forums (since it's a thread realted to documentation).
    This way everybody can join the discussion/comments {...}

    No idea myself about the forums on workflow.tw.o. Marclaporte, at least, will be able to tell you something else, I guess.

    Post your message (or the full thread even better for completeness) at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/forum1, and wait some days for responses...



    P.S. Ricks99 says that he would love to see a chapter about galaxia in this TW for dummies/smarties on-line book he is curently writing! (you're very welcome to contribute also to that book!) http://twbasics.keycontent.orgexternal link

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