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Author Coffeeshop

Brainstorm: Exporting documentation index as directory links

posts: 7

<Marbux> Brainstorming a d.tw.o idea. What if the documentation index page could be exported as a links directory structure suitable for plugging into users' tiki link directories, with links back to the appropriate d.tw.o pages?
<Marbux> It would need some way of easy updating as topics are added to the documentation index page at d.tw.o.
<Marbux> Um, and there's the problem of needing to import category assignments as well.
<Marbux> On the categories, maybe that isn't so crucial, given that the doc index is already highly structured.
<Marbux> Or maybe folks could just import the doc index as a wiki page and I just talked myself out of the idea.
<Marbux> So much for trying to think on a Sunday.
<marclaporte> Marbux: please perserve

marclaporte, I presume you meant "preserve" and not "persevere." 😊 Either way, I DunMyDuty.

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