History: Tiki25
Preview of version: 62
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Tiki 25.0 will be released in -October December 2022, the same month two months after Tiki turns 20 years old!
It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until Tiki 26.1 is released, as per the Tiki lifecycle policy.
Since this is a post-LTS, it has major changes, such as an upgrade to
- Bootstrap 5, which has been released in May 2021.
- Smarty 4, which was released in November 2021
- Font Awesome 6, which was released in February 2022
- However, the PHP Requirements remain at version 7.4, the same as Tiki24. See PHP8.
Browser support
Given the fact our themes and Smarty templates rely on Bootstrap 5 heavily, the browser support for Tiki 25 follows the same path:
- Dropped Internet Explorer 10 and 11
- Dropped Microsoft Edge < 16 (Legacy Edge)
- Dropped Firefox < 60
- Dropped Safari < 12
- Dropped iOS Safari < 12
- Dropped Chrome < 60
For more details see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/migration/
- Browser support
- New features
- 1.1.1. Anime.js
- 1.1.2. Email bounce handling
- 1.1.3. Email: Detect disposable
- 1.1.4. Email filters
- 1.1.5. Federated timesheets
- 1.1.6. File Gallery - Direct Mapping
- 1.1.7. HTTP Headers security
- 1.1.8. Icon Picker
- 1.1.9. Kanban
- 1.1.10. Machine Learning
- 1.1.11. Manticore Search
- 1.1.12. Markdown as default syntax
- 1.1.13. Media Queries
- 1.1.14. Natural Language Generation
- 1.1.15. Realtime
- 1.1.16. Suffix Cleaner
- 1.1.17. Tiki Manager as a Package
- 1.1.18. Trackers
- 1.1.19. Webhooks
- 1.1.20. WYSIWYG Editor
- Bug Fixes and Enhancements
- Removed
New features
(alphabetically sorted)
1.1.1. Anime.js
The spectacular Anime.js library was added to Tiki and used in the new PluginCountup (and will be progressively deployed elsewhere in Tiki in future versions)
1.1.2. Email bounce handling
1.1.3. Email: Detect disposable
1.1.4. Email filters
1.1.5. Federated timesheets
1.1.6. File Gallery - Direct Mapping
1.1.7. HTTP Headers security
For HTTP Headers, stronger security settings are activated by default in new installs of Tiki25+
1.1.8. Icon Picker
1.1.9. Kanban
New Kanban feature.
1.1.10. Machine Learning
- Machine Learning: Upgrade from version 0.4.2 to 2.1.1
1.1.11. Manticore Search
Manticore Search added as Unified Index option
1.1.12. Markdown as default syntax
Now possible to set Markdown as the new default syntax. This is opt-in, and current Tiki syntax will continue to work for many years. See:
1.1.13. Media Queries
1.1.14. Natural Language Generation
1.1.15. Realtime
1.1.16. Suffix Cleaner
1.1.17. Tiki Manager as a Package
1.1.18. Trackers
- New tracker field property: exclude data and changes from email notifications.
1.1.19. Webhooks
1.1.20. WYSIWYG Editor
New WYSIWYG editor, to manage Markdown also as default syntax in text areas.
See: WYSIWYG and Markdown
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
(alphabetically sorted)
1.1.1. Webmails
- Dozens of bug fixes and enhancements in Cypht Webmail and its integration in Tiki, and Email folders Tracker Field
- Look at the commits since 2022-03: https://github.com/jasonmunro/cypht/commits/master
1.1.2. Wiki Syntax
- Fixed the wiki syntax parser to allow autolinks in parenthesis and exclude closing parenthesis from the external URLs autolinks (backported to Tiki24)
Each Tiki will be capable to use Tiki Manager to manage itself or other Tiki instances.
1.1.3. Plugin CustomSearch, List and List Execute download button positioning
Added in Tiki25 a new parameter to control the position of the download button: downloadable-position="top|bottom|both". Values are top,-+bottom+- or both. Default is "bottom". See: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList-output-control-block#Download_CSV_of_Table_Results
- Old Tiki MindMap in Flash (We are looking for HTML5 replacement)
- PluginSF
- PluginFlash
- PluginMySpace
- Superfish/Suckerfish has before removed before the release of Tiki25, as they are superseded by Smartmenus Megamenu
- PluginCarousel
- PluginGalleriffic
- PluginSlider
- OpenID
- When you upgrade to Tiki25+, the now unusable user data related to OpenID will be deleted (The openid_url column in the users_users table)